42 business days between Aug 3, 2011 and beginning of Quarter 4 of 2011


Just saw that someone in another post was explaining that revenue projections of $175 to $200 million for the 4th quarter of 2011 were pulled well in advance of finding out that the 4th quarter of 2011 would only have 82 million in revenues.

While it was, in fact, several months between August 3, 2011 and when 4th quarter 2011 ended and revenues for the quarter would officially be known, if that convoluted thinking is a defense, that would be preposterous in my opinion.

It was 42 business until the beginning of the 4th quarter of 2011. To achieve anything close to what they were projecting 43 business days prior, the projected massive hockey stick ramp up would need to begin long before the last day of December. That convoluted reasoning would never be taken seriously, in my humble opinion. Never heard of that excuse and frankly it sounds desperate.

Gold knew he'd be pulling guidance between the end of Q2/2011 (June30) and August 3 during the Q2 conference call. He didnt just suddenly decide to pull guidance during a conference call :)
Why do you think Soros exited his huge position a month or so before Golds devastating announcement on Aug 3?
The value of being a big client is inside information......lolzz
Also realize that corporations follow a projected 3 year out plan. Gold knew he would step aside because he recruited J Johnson then too (in summer 2011). Johnson joined the board in the fall, 2011. Finally, the team also knew they'd be shutting NJ down then too.
The table is finally set for the next move up:-D

Gold knew he'd be pulling guidance between the end of Q2/2011 (June30) and August 3 during the Q2 conference call. He didnt just suddenly decide to pull guidance during a conference call :)

He knew of a material change in projections and didn't tell investors immediately? He and other insiders sold stock during the time period you mention. Sure hope you aren't connected to the company in any way, because they would never approve of what you just said.

IMO this thread is not addressing the most important issue.

The projection of $350M-$400M for full year 2011 was first told to the public in November 2010.

IMO, it should have never been given but since it was, it should have been pulled the second after it was told to the public so it would never affect the share price. As it turned out, every second the stock market was open from early November 2010 to early August 2011, the stock was falsely inflated IMO. Everything that occurred during that period from bond issuances to insider sales occurred while the stock was falsely inflated IMO.

There are safe harbor provisions for private actions that allow companies to have misses in their forward looking statements. The caveat is that laws have to be followed. By law, guidance must have a reasonable basis or not be given.

No one cares. There is a NEW highly commercially experienced senior management team in place. Sales are doing well. The future is all that matters for this company. The future is bright based on what I am seeing in the field.

Who are you to judge who cares and who doesn't care? If you think anything is inaccurate in any postings or disagree with an opinion you should post your opinion. Otherwise you should not make judgments about who cares and who may not care.

Agreed that the future of Provenge may be bright. That has nothing to do with this thread. Anyone with any common sense at all knows there is a great chance of a takeover in the very near future. That would finally give closure on many investors losses and the cult like crazies will have to find someting else to do with their days instead of writing posts on certain boards and admiring their elitist writing styles and creating conspiracy theories about manipulation.

No one cares. There is a NEW highly commercially experienced senior management team in place. Sales are doing well. The future is all that matters for this company. The future is bright based on what I am seeing in the field.

Yes, and it's all built on a foundation of sand. Do you really think all those pesky little problems are going to disappear if someone builds a Potemkin village around them?

IMO this thread is not addressing the most important issue.

The projection of $350M-$400M for full year 2011 was first told to the public in November 2010.

IMO, it should have never been given but since it was, it should have been pulled the second after it was told to the public so it would never affect the share price. As it turned out, every second the stock market was open from early November 2010 to early August 2011, the stock was falsely inflated IMO. Everything that occurred during that period from bond issuances to insider sales occurred while the stock was falsely inflated IMO.

There are safe harbor provisions for private actions that allow companies to have misses in their forward looking statements. The caveat is that laws have to be followed. By law, guidance must have a reasonable basis or not be given.

Correct - and this is the reason the feds are investigating. Just look at Dendreons SEC filings. Dendreon seems to think the investigations relate to the same allegations that are in the class action lawsuit.