401k funds and investment


Hello .
Just trying to pick your brain on investing in 401k.
Is maxing out the IRS tax deduction limits what you do? Do you invest in target funds ? If so, what is the portion of J&J stock in those target funds?
Do you think it’s a good strategy to increase contribution by 1-2% each year?

How concerned should I be about increasing investments if I am going to have both FAP pension (22 years) and RVP pension?

Thanks for the insights.Good day.

Hello .
Just trying to pick your brain on investing in 401k.
Is maxing out the IRS tax deduction limits what you do? Do you invest in target funds ? If so, what is the portion of J&J stock in those target funds?
Do you think it’s a good strategy to increase contribution by 1-2% each year?

How concerned should I be about increasing investments if I am going to have both FAP pension (22 years) and RVP pension?

Thanks for the insights.Good day.

Max out your contributions. Target funds are for losers. Keep 0% in J&J. Max out every year. Don't EVER plan on a pension - they are built on shaky ground.

Max out your contributions. Target funds are for losers. Keep 0% in J&J. Max out every year. Don't EVER plan on a pension - they are built on shaky ground.
Dont let these guys scare you. The pension you have earned so far is yours. Even if /when J&J goes bust, you are protected up to 6k per month in pension by the PBGC which is backed by the feds.
Also for that reason think very carefully before cashing a pension out for a lump sum - you lose that federal backing on your lump sum.

Dont let these guys scare you. The pension you have earned so far is yours. Even if /when J&J goes bust, you are protected up to 6k per month in pension by the PBGC which is backed by the feds.
Also for that reason think very carefully before cashing a pension out for a lump sum - you lose that federal backing on your lump sum.

You need to study the bond market and central banks. Do you realize the fed that "backs" your pension is backed by nothing but a money printer?

Dont let these guys scare you. The pension you have earned so far is yours. Even if /when J&J goes bust, you are protected up to 6k per month in pension by the PBGC which is backed by the feds.
Also for that reason think very carefully before cashing a pension out for a lump sum - you lose that federal backing on your lump sum.

I agree with you. I would never get a lump sum. For both RVP and FAP I intend to choose monthly payments for a lifetime. This way you have a federal security.