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3rd Ask Mike Tele--Did he really say we'd hear by Dec 1st?


Was anyone on the 3rd "Ask Mike" teleconference yesterday? Rumor has it he finally admitted he knows the timeline for our futures. Did he really say that we will at least hear the timeline by Dec 1st? Please let it be true! Can any of you confirm this?

I was on the 3rd call. He said that HEADQUARTERS will know their fate by dec. 1st. He then went on to say that sales still has no timeline that he can announce at this time. What a joke this teleconference was. So discouraging. We all just want to know something, anything. Unfortunately, we still have nothing

I guess I'll never understand why people feel a corporation owes them a job. I certainly don't want to be laid off, but if that's what AZ thinks it needs to do to turn a profit I will understand. Like it or not, we are a commodity. Spare me the sob stories about supporting a family, we all do, but if I want to have control over my destiny I'll grow some balls and start my own company.

At least they are putting HQ out of thier misery soon! Well, HQ, and themselves! Thanks for announcing how the SSLT is taken care of with promotions, yada yada yada starting Dec 1st. But there's no timeline for those who actually make $$ for this company! Luck them!!! Sucks for the driving force of the company.

I guess I'll never understand why people feel a corporation owes them a job. I certainly don't want to be laid off, but if that's what AZ thinks it needs to do to turn a profit I will understand. Like it or not, we are a commodity. Spare me the sob stories about supporting a family, we all do, but if I want to have control over my destiny I'll grow some balls and start my own company.

Yeah, spare me. Tell the executives that the shareholder's don't owe them a job. Ask them to pony up some of the billions of shareholder money they've wasted on R & D, worthless meetings and redundant layers of management. There's plenty more. The entrenched leadership of the company has ruined it while enriching themselves in the process. If any group deserves pink slips, it the senior management of AZ.

Oh I forgot the billions spent on CIA agreements and training which they ignore. They probably laugh it off and sign their share grant certificates before booking their next vacation.

SSLT here. You have obviously forgotten that we improved our Focus scores by an amazing 1%! You guys are nothing but numbers on a spreadsheet, and nothing more. We could literally care less about your families, or you, for that matter. We use you at our convenience. You serve us when we decide. We will tell you, when we are ready, if you have a job or not. One word of advice. If I were you, it might be a good idea to pull back on your spending, and update your resume. You're going to need it, and soon.

Happy Holidays All!

SSLT here. You have obviously forgotten that we improved our Focus scores by an amazing 1%! You guys are nothing but numbers on a spreadsheet, and nothing more. We could literally care less about your families, or you, for that matter. We use you at our convenience. You serve us when we decide. We will tell you, when we are ready, if you have a job or not. One word of advice. If I were you, it might be a good idea to pull back on your spending, and update your resume. You're going to need it, and soon.

Happy Holidays All!
My new promotion and appointments will not distract me from my main responsibilities, which is to make sure you peons are as miserable as possible. Now get back to work and try to enjoy your leftovers.

Why should he care about whether or not you are supporting a family? That is simply not his job, and that is not the mission of the company. You are paid an extremely handsome income and benefits, in exchange for your services. When those services are no longer needed, you should be dismissed. Think about it, when you need a plumber, he does the job, you pay him, then he is gone. You dont continually employ him so that he can take care of his family.

If you wallowed away in a blameless rep job for years, and did not dvelop your marketability, that is your fault. Does you wife work? If not, whose problem/fault is that? it is none of the companies business. AZ is in business to make money, and enhamce shareholder value, first and foremost. They are not here to provide jobs, or to ensure that you can support your family.

Because I was raised with a sense of entitlement. Also, who will pay for this breast augmentation i just got?

Why should he care about whether or not you are supporting a family? That is simply not his job, and that is not the mission of the company. You are paid an extremely handsome income and benefits, in exchange for your services. When those services are no longer needed, you should be dismissed. Think about it, when you need a plumber, he does the job, you pay him, then he is gone. You dont continually employ him so that he can take care of his family.

If you wallowed away in a blameless rep job for years, and did not dvelop your marketability, that is your fault. Does you wife work? If not, whose problem/fault is that? it is none of the companies business. AZ is in business to make money, and enhamce shareholder value, first and foremost. They are not here to provide jobs, or to ensure that you can support your family.

Would agree, you are correct. Thus logically AZ should be given only what the job requires for those services. Nothing more.

The issue isn't that they are cutting jobs. The issue is that they hold your career and ability to care for you family over your head. How fun are the holidays going to be for any of us knowing that as early as Jan 2nd- we can be fired. This is corporate terrorism. Make people fear for their financial lives. All we are asking for is to be told the truth. Not these bullshit half answers from spineless executives. Treat me like a man. Look me in the eye and tell me what is going on. Lying to control every aspect of the process not only kills productivity... it sends the best reps out of the company.

Anyone with half a brain is already applying for any job that is posted anywhere on the internet. Its tough to land a job in 4th quarter but I'm working hard to do it. I will not be held hostage by these assholes. The to tier reps will be able to move out of AZ. They'll be left with the middle of the pack guys.

"top tier reps"? Fucking hilarious. So your one of the better ones in hiding out in a pod for years? Your unemployable asswipe. Big pharma sample droppers like you are a joke in the real work force. Now go suck a dick.

"top tier reps"? Fucking hilarious. So your one of the better ones in hiding out in a pod for years? Your unemployable asswipe. Big pharma sample droppers like you are a joke in the real work force. Now go suck a dick.

A product of the AZ organization. Just like the company's tired old products -- even the company knows it's all a joke.

"top tier reps"? Fucking hilarious. So your one of the better ones in hiding out in a pod for years? Your unemployable asswipe. Big pharma sample droppers like you are a joke in the real work force. Now go suck a dick.
Absolutely correct. How many years have we had to tolerate the working mom push from HR? This company bent over backwards to work deals and change expectations on relocating for development to move some of these chronic whiners into specialty or even management roles. And the payoff for the company are moms whose second income allows them to live in mcmansions, take elaborate trips and wear expensive brands while their hubbys drive luxury SUVs all for 2 1/2 hours of diigent hard work dropping samples and holding expensive worthless lunches so they can show the office staff the most recent pictures of their kids and new labradoodle puppy. If you want to know why we are no longer valued as sales people it is mostly because of this movement. But hey, we won Best Company for working mom's in Working Moms Magazine. An award that cost us 10s of thousands of dollars in donations. At meetings they complain about the food, the rooms, too hot, too cold, no free time, and then spend the last day changing their flights and planning how to make an early exit.

Sounds like someone is jealous that their wife doesn't work for pharma so they can live in a mcmansion too. Quite bitter, aren't we? Better stock up on Nexium now while you get it for free....reflux is on its way.

Sounds like someone is jealous that their wife doesn't work for pharma so they can live in a mcmansion too. Quite bitter, aren't we? Better stock up on Nexium now while you get it for free....reflux is on its way.

The bell tolls for you too punky. It's not just live in, it's pay for. You're going to get your sarcastic worthless ass foreclosed upon too

Absolutely correct. How many years have we had to tolerate the working mom push from HR? This company bent over backwards to work deals and change expectations on relocating for development to move some of these chronic whiners into specialty or even management roles. And the payoff for the company are moms whose second income allows them to live in mcmansions, take elaborate trips and wear expensive brands while their hubbys drive luxury SUVs all for 2 1/2 hours of diigent hard work dropping samples and holding expensive worthless lunches so they can show the office staff the most recent pictures of their kids and new labradoodle puppy. If you want to know why we are no longer valued as sales people it is mostly because of this movement. But hey, we won Best Company for working mom's in Working Moms Magazine. An award that cost us 10s of thousands of dollars in donations. At meetings they complain about the food, the rooms, too hot, too cold, no free time, and then spend the last day changing their flights and planning how to make an early exit.
At first I LOL at this but then realized that much of it is true. A generalization of course, but I think of the female peers and DSMs and RSDs I have had over the years and it is not much of a stretch. By far the least experienced and least competent have been these young females that the company rushed into these postions to meet some H.R. quota. It ruined our industry and now we are paying the price. I loved the meeting room too hot, room too cold reference. How many times have we experienced these spoiled whiners at meetings making our lives miserable with their chronic complaining and they are the ones who avoid meetings all together or always come up with an excuse to leave early.