Medical sales recruiters are becoming aware of Castle's hire/fire reputation and I'm sure they will pass it along to their potential customers so they will keep the best hire candidates available for their clients. See there Castle, everybody is feeding off of our terrible managemt decisions. I am not smart enough or a visionary to see where you are taking this Scott but I'm sure it will end up being a short story on what not to do to motivate a sales force. Your sales stratagy Rob is archaic and does not provide effective results now days. I also don't believe you are the designer/engineer of the sales plan you have forced upon us It literally sucks on all points in this current market place.
$250.000.00 a year for a good rep? Who last a year here? Why was L Fired if she was that good of a rep? Goo enough to be a DVP. Must have made at least $250.000.00 a year by Caatles standards, right? All of the new hires know the current market value of a good to great sales rep. We also know that $250.000.00 a year, in the first year is "PIE N THE SKY" talk. But I needed the experience so I came aboard. Also, why do the so called successful sales reps leave after they have posted great sales results on Group Me. I don't understand. They must not like making and counting all that cash you are putting in their pocket, I guess. Good thing I didn't leave a good job for this. Thanks for the experience. I can truly say it has been very unique and a one of a kind deal.
Good luck n the future with the new hires. You must like busted in people and training that HC1.