30, 60, 90 day plan

I need help knowing what to put in a 30, 60, 90 day plan. Will someone please tell me what to put into these plans . Thanks for your help!

Depends on whether you need it for general business planning or because you are on the "people we'd like to get rid of" list. For general business planning, start with the 90 (bigger goal and broader strategy) then work back from there with more specific tactics and targets that can get you to that goal. Have one over-arching 90 day goal, 3-5 minor parts that will get you there, and your appointments, programs, tools, and messaging by accounts all planned in the 30, 60 day frames.
As for the other, more desperate situation, be sure to add your industry networking with a solid, updated resume ready. (Because you probably won't have a job in 90 days.)

I need help knowing what to put in a 30, 60, 90 day plan. Will someone please tell me what to put into these plans . Thanks for your help!

It is different if you are applying for a new job. I found some great examples on line - 30 days training predominantly, 60 days meet customers - develop a plan etc