Does it ever happen?
Don't want another short gig and quick trip to unemployment....
Say it's possible....
Don't want another short gig and quick trip to unemployment....
Say it's possible....
Contracts are only an intent to do business. All jobs, both contract or corp. are "at will".
No security anywhere anymore. Corp is moving to contract as it is cheaper. All the displaced reps need jobs. As a DM for contract I pull in 10-12 for interviews. Used to be maybe 2 were good. Now they are all good. Many with Pres club and outstanding numbers.
Welcome to Obama's world. It is happening all over. Ask my cousin, the engineer replaced by an engineer from India. The UNaffordable Care Act is headed with break neck speed to becoming a single payor system (Only Bernie Sanders admits to it). When that happens what is your role? If you are on Formulary a drug company doesn't need your services because the Doctor has to write your product. If you are not on Formulary, the Doctor can't write your product. Where do Drug Reps fit in that equation?
That's why I will vote Trump. He cares about employees and not a company's bottom line. Make America Great Again.
Bottom Line...
Move on with your life. Get out of the industry.