Oh my gosh. What are they doing. Are they prepping to sell the company? I hate this.
Oh my gosh. What are they doing. Are they prepping to sell the company? I hate this.
I know. Me too.
Uh. The Divot. Have you been listening? Vertex is trying to get from here to there -- this has been no mystery to us here -- my manager talks about it alot -- and to what leadership is telling investors. I think clearing the deadwood from time to time is a good thing, and LONG overdue here. My last company did it every 2-3 years -- we are so lame on honest performance reviews here and that means a lot of mediocrity has been allowed to hang around over the years. We have too many senior directors and VPs. I'm told they're going to focus on making the company less top heavy and clear that heavy underbrush of too many mini-chiefs. Also, some of those lost souls deep in the bowels of R&D who have tinkered for years with nothing to show for it will get the boot, too. I, for one, think both of these are good moves. I like the feeling of a fresh start at the new location, and doing some needed housecleaning before we move. Honestly -- how many of you know the obstructionists, deadwood and bowel-dwellers I'm talking about? We're way too small of a company to have so many hangers on who can only remember how it used to be, or make the rest of us do their work.
I interviewed at GILD before taking this job. By reputation they are agressive, focused, lean, and mean. They ate our lunch with an Incivek-killer as Boger and Emmens avoided some hard decisions over the past 5 years in HCV. Many of you are acting like you're entitled! Go work for the Post Office if that's what you want!!!! Pharma is highly competitive. Gilead, JNJ, and AbbVie among many others will not sit on the sidelines waiting for us to get our act together. They will continue to eat our lunch if we don't act with intelligence and aggression. We have a great opportunity with Kalydeco. But if we keep many of the old timers and their old ways, or as someone puts it the dead wood, we'll lose everything. I'd rather see our company layoff another 10-15 percent than to shutdown and we're all out on our rears because the tough calls weren't made. I also agree with earlier posts that we all do know the ones who should go.
Insider here. A medium size layoff is coming soon. I am not the original poster but I do have access to this information. It will be fair but it may not be equal. I'm sorry.
Insider here. A medium size layoff is coming soon. I am not the original poster but I do have access to this information. It will be fair but it may not be equal. I'm sorry.
Help us a little. Fair but not equal? Do those two go together?
As a survivor of the first layoff in the early '00s, I can tell . I've already got mine ready to go. When my favorite head hunter called me last week, she told me she suddenly has a "huge' pile of resumes from Vertex research.
I was told the same thing yesterday. I recently made my profile on LinkedIn and have connected with about 70-80 people and its growing fast. About half the list are headhunters and the rest are old friends and researchers.
I am growing steadily uneasy about my future here and why not, management has given me every reason to be nervous. I am relieved to start hearing about openings across the spectrum which gives me comfort. I miss the old days.
I'm not ready for this.
Neither am I! I should have seen this coming when the commercial got hit hard. Does anyone know if this is coming before the end of year or first thing next year. It is important for planning purposes.
Looks like Janssen will be funding our severance.
My source tells me that they are in negotiations to sell the company. She tells me not to wait for a severence. "Find a research job now and go"
First, learn how to spell severance. Next, find a better source. You must be one of the ex-commercial hired guns we let go just trying to stir up trouble. Crawl back in your cave.