2nd Job?


More work and less pay - the new Ethicon tag-line. Has anyone considered a 2nd job to make ends meet now that we are making less money? What are some good options?

Not quite ready to leave but have bills to pay.

More work and less pay - the new Ethicon tag-line. Has anyone considered a 2nd job to make ends meet now that we are making less money? What are some good options?

Not quite ready to leave but have bills to pay.

You are just now looking into this? Most money driven reps pick up second and third product lines within the first 10-12 months. With your complacent personality, you had better stay with Ethicon as long as possible and not step out too far from your comfort zone.

You are just now looking into this? Most money driven reps pick up second and third product lines within the first 10-12 months. With your complacent personality, you had better stay with Ethicon as long as possible and not step out too far from your comfort zone.

Nice reply, douche. I guess you never considered that many people only worked for one company at a time because they had integrity.

Nice reply, douche. I guess you never considered that many people only worked for one company at a time because they had integrity.

This sums it up for me. I have had NO desire to pick up other lines and give 100% of my attention to Ethicon. Unfortunately, with the way the new comp. plan is set up,I can't seem to make money anymore. Much like Ethicon is "changing for the customer", I'm afraid I need to change for myself and look in to all of my options.

It seems pretty clear they are not concerned about employee retention. They seem to be more interested in hiring college grads. and paying them shit. That's great for their bottom line but shitty for the business. With the bag we have now, the ramp up is SIGNIFICANTLY increased. By the time these new hires are somewhat proficient in their position, they will realize there are better paying options out there and move on.

I have yet to hear ANY customer say "gee, I'd really like to only have to deal with 1 rep. for all my Ethicon products". The only thing I ever hear is "I'm really disappointed with how your company operates nowadays - seems like we have a new rep. every week".

Nice reply, douche. I guess you never considered that many people only worked for one company at a time because they had integrity.

Maybe, but then I remembered this is Ethicon, where integrity is frowned upon if it gets in the way of hitting your number. As far as your use of the word "douche," you are either 13 years old, or you're simply brainstorming products that could actually help a GYN rep make money.

Ethicon would love to have a college grad take your place at 90K a year. So do what I do, pick up a few additional lines for income, burrow in like a tick at Ethicon, and dig in until you get canned. I appreciate the company car and gas that I can use to support my other sources of income.