
It makes you wonder....if Novartis was the "Place to be", why are so many people on CP looking at this thread? ANSWER.....People are not happy with their jobs or the BS that spews from the disingenuous management.


It makes you wonder....if Novartis was the "Place to be", why are so many people on CP looking at this thread? ANSWER.....People are not happy with their jobs or the BS that spews from the disingenuous management.

Or they are working smart not hard. If you need more than 4-5 hours per day to do this shit, you are working hard not smart. On the other hand this may indicate these guys simply hate the Co and job, go out for few hours to get parking receipts etc and run home to get on CP. Remember Novartis is not your friend and if you are taking advantage of them you are doing the same thing to them what they do to you. Once they don't need you they will throw you out without mercy. So milk them while you can, look for evidence of their crimes and when ready do them in as others did.
As someone said:"It is not sin to sin against the sinner."

Or they are working smart not hard. If you need more than 4-5 hours per day to do this shit, you are working hard not smart. On the other hand this may indicate these guys simply hate the Co and job, go out for few hours to get parking receipts etc and run home to get on CP. Remember Novartis is not your friend and if you are taking advantage of them you are doing the same thing to them what they do to you. Once they don't need you they will throw you out without mercy. So milk them while you can, look for evidence of their crimes and when ready do them in as others did.
As someone said:"It is not sin to sin against the sinner."

Maybe we are using our smart phones as we wait in waiting rooms for docs...dumbass.

Maybe we are using our smart phones as we wait in waiting rooms for docs...dumbass.

U mean stupid phones 4 they are used by stupid. Anything you do on that phone is NEVER deleted and your Co has excess to it. So you think they would forgive you looking up shit at CP. They consider it their worse enemy and anyone they have evidence of CP visits will be gone sooner or later for some other reason, of course. How do I now? I was one of the responsible for catching the fuckers and had them fired. So someone is watching you, asshole.

U mean stupid phones 4 they are used by stupid. Anything you do on that phone is NEVER deleted and your Co has excess to it. So you think they would forgive you looking up shit at CP. They consider it their worse enemy and anyone they have evidence of CP visits will be gone sooner or later for some other reason, of course. How do I now? I was one of the responsible for catching the fuckers and had them fired. So someone is watching you, asshole.

Well then - they better start wearing glasses...T'aint nobody caught me yet. WHHHeeeeeeee

U mean stupid phones 4 they are used by stupid. Anything you do on that phone is NEVER deleted and your Co has excess to it. So you think they would forgive you looking up shit at CP. They consider it their worse enemy and anyone they have evidence of CP visits will be gone sooner or later for some other reason, of course. How do I now? I was one of the responsible for catching the fuckers and had them fired. So someone is watching you, asshole.

Ummmmm, its my personal phone. You must be one of those dipshits who actually uses the blackberry exclusively. Stupid is right, you're going to lose your phone number again when they take those phones back from you later this year.

Congratulations on "catching the fuckers", get a life, fucknut.

It makes you wonder....if Novartis was the "Place to be", why are so many people on CP looking at this thread? ANSWER.....People are not happy with their jobs or the BS that spews from the disingenuous management.

Most of the people are EX employees spreading their anger on the site. Some may be stupid people who think not working somehow helps their situation. When they get fired, they will blame Novartis, instead of themselves.

Seriously you dope! A. Not everybody on the Novartis feed works for Novartis. B. Sometimes people look at CP in waiting rooms and aren't always at home. C. People like you who waste time thinking you know what everybody else is doing/thinking drive me nuts. Why don't you spend your energy focusing on yourself?! You must be a manager or work at the home office.

Count me out too...after 2;00....gotta be finishing up at the gym and pick up the kiddies at daycare by 2:30 and get the hubbies dinner going. These types of work activities cut in on my "business". It's almost 5:00, got to check on how dinner is progressing and play soccer with the kids.

Pretty sad how poor the attitude gets on CP. Not even sure why people like to read that or write it. I know, "fuck you, douche bag." But really, do you think anyone gives a shit? I'm not even a rep. Not in HR, none of the above, so to speak. I won't be getting a payout, don't mind that many of you will, but frankly don't think it was warranted. The saddest part of all of this is that a potentially good thing (reps selling, making great bonuses, management encouraging them, etc.) has degraded to "how little can I do and still collect a paycheck?" And a bunch of derogatory comments about management. Not saying management doesn't have a lot of blame, they do. In fact, in the end, it is all their fault for allowing this poisonous trajectory to ensue. In the end all will lose.

Pretty sad how poor the attitude gets on CP. Not even sure why people like to read that or write it. I know, "fuck you, douche bag." But really, do you think anyone gives a shit? I'm not even a rep. Not in HR, none of the above, so to speak. I won't be getting a payout, don't mind that many of you will, but frankly don't think it was warranted. The saddest part of all of this is that a potentially good thing (reps selling, making great bonuses, management encouraging them, etc.) has degraded to "how little can I do and still collect a paycheck?" And a bunch of derogatory comments about management. Not saying management doesn't have a lot of blame, they do. In fact, in the end, it is all their fault for allowing this poisonous trajectory to ensue. In the end all will lose.

You'd think we worked for some Socialist company from Swi.......nevermind.

Pretty sad how poor the attitude gets on CP. Not even sure why people like to read that or write it. I know, "fuck you, douche bag." But really, do you think anyone gives a shit? I'm not even a rep. Not in HR, none of the above, so to speak. I won't be getting a payout, don't mind that many of you will, but frankly don't think it was warranted. The saddest part of all of this is that a potentially good thing (reps selling, making great bonuses, management encouraging them, etc.) has degraded to "how little can I do and still collect a paycheck?" And a bunch of derogatory comments about management. Not saying management doesn't have a lot of blame, they do. In fact, in the end, it is all their fault for allowing this poisonous trajectory to ensue. In the end all will lose.

fuck you, douche bag.

Pretty sad how poor the attitude gets on CP. Not even sure why people like to read that or write it. I know, "fuck you, douche bag." But really, do you think anyone gives a shit? I'm not even a rep. Not in HR, none of the above, so to speak. I won't be getting a payout, don't mind that many of you will, but frankly don't think it was warranted. The saddest part of all of this is that a potentially good thing (reps selling, making great bonuses, management encouraging them, etc.) has degraded to "how little can I do and still collect a paycheck?" And a bunch of derogatory comments about management. Not saying management doesn't have a lot of blame, they do. In fact, in the end, it is all their fault for allowing this poisonous trajectory to ensue. In the end all will lose.

Well, I do care, and yes I'll give you shit to prove it. I am a Rep. I'm not in HR or any of the above so to speak. No, I won't be getting a payout either...I earned way too much. But I am particularly, and always will be interested in how little I have to do AND how much I can get away with by not working - and NO manager has ever been able to motivate me. That's some psycho babble they teach managers to believe - that you actually can motivate people. HAHAHAHaahahhaha oh - that is a rich laugh. I believe you to be wrong about who wins. I've been winning for over 22 years now. I've been a Corner Stone winner twice! And I smile every day that I sit home. I don't know bud - what I do seems to work fine for me and the last 9 managers that I've dealt with.

Well, I do care, and yes I'll give you shit to prove it. I am a Rep. I'm not in HR or any of the above so to speak. No, I won't be getting a payout either...I earned way too much. But I am particularly, and always will be interested in how little I have to do AND how much I can get away with by not working - and NO manager has ever been able to motivate me. That's some psycho babble they teach managers to believe - that you actually can motivate people. HAHAHAHaahahhaha oh - that is a rich laugh. I believe you to be wrong about who wins. I've been winning for over 22 years now. I've been a Corner Stone winner twice! And I smile every day that I sit home. I don't know bud - what I do seems to work fine for me and the last 9 managers that I've dealt with.





Shitty reps like you won't last much longer. It is POS reps like you that has caused many of the problems we have. OT lawsuits led by "Occupy" entitlement shitheads. Like all out of balance situations, we will see a strong correction. In fact, it has started already. Do a search. In the last 5 years, US pharma reps have declined by almost 50%! Tick tock......tick tock......

Hey dumbass, you can't win cornerstone twice! Sad to hear so much BS on this site.

I'm not that poster you're calling a dumbass. You can lose your Cornerstone status..and you can be reinstated. I know because - I have lost my Cornerstone status - it sucked, but I did in 2006. AND I was awarded it a second time. I am not the only one to have had the status remove and then been re-instated either. Cornerstone is an honor - but it isn't for life.

I'm not that poster you're calling a dumbass. You can lose your Cornerstone status..and you can be reinstated. I know because - I have lost my Cornerstone status - it sucked, but I did in 2006. AND I was awarded it a second time. I am not the only one to have had the status remove and then been re-instated either. Cornerstone is an honor - but it isn't for life.

Has anybody heard of a person losing their Master's Club award and getting it back. Remember folks that Management looks out after Management.