25 more layoffs courtesy of SS's lies

I would suggest to everyone (regardless of the division you are in) if you have not already done so, make sure that your resume is polished and updated. How many times have you heard that you are a valued team within Eisai, that there are many products soon to be approved or that your experience and tenure is valued and appreciated? Words are spoken here with empty meaning. Best of success to all the families that are rapidly looking for options - you will be missed.

Eisai's experience can't help anyone in the resume. On the other hand, this company has some of the worst leaders in this industry. All of so-called leaders are here because they can't get another job anywhere else.

Eisai's experience can't help anyone in the resume. On the other hand, this company has some of the worst leaders in this industry. All of so-called leaders are here because they can't get another job anywhere else.

Again I call BS. Our management may make some mistakes, but they are good people, and I believe they do the best that they can in a time of very difficult circumstances for this industry. You can't blame them for everything. They have to answer to those above them. You could not pay me enough to be under the pressure they are under 24/7.

Hey SS,

Please spare us from your lecture. Speaking of our "good management people", OB didn't even show up for the funeral of his rep and Eisai wouldn't pay for any of his co-workers to fly to Albuquerque. That should show you how we are “valued” by our “good management”.

Since you got here, things are much worse. The place is in complete disarray. There is no confidence in the management. Nobody knows what is going on.