2019 Zone meetings discussion

No one will be brave enough to speak and tell the truth. Wasted time out of the field to suck up to leadership team. Can’t wait to sit back and watch the show.

Fact- the culture developed and reinforced by every level of so called .org/leadership at every level is a top-down, over-processed big Pharma mentality.

Fact-Until the fields voice is heard respectfully, why say anything to a foolish bunch of so called management/leaders know it alls that continue to have all the answers to increasing leadership decisions causing problems. Great product with terrible leadership decisions reflecting big pharma micro management.

Fact- the culture developed and reinforced by every level of so called .org/leadership at every level is a top-down, over-processed big Pharma mentality.

Fact-Until the fields voice is heard respectfully, why say anything to a foolish bunch of so called management/leaders know it alls that continue to have all the answers to increasing leadership decisions causing problems. Great product with terrible leadership decisions reflecting big pharma micro management.

Um, neither is “fact.” Each is an opinion. What is Big Pharma mentality and why is it the wrong way to proceed? Enlighten us neophytes. Do tell....

Excellent demo of the insecurity by the big pharma micromanaged leadership- now we are called neophytes instead of the top 1%. Excellent offense

Your insane overuse of hyphens - in multiple posts lends complete credibility to your status as an “I can’t handle having to think on my own- please help me” loser. Keep answering your own posts. Maybe you’ll get the answers you’re looking for. LOSER

It’s been embarrassing watching from the sidelines with what should be a great company continually spiraling out of control. Saddens me actually. True need for some real authentic inspirational leaders although I think it’s now too late for this group.

It’s been embarrassing watching from the sidelines with what should be a great company continually spiraling out of control. Saddens me actually. True need for some real authentic inspirational leaders although I think it’s now too late for this group.

Please give us some clarity here. Where do you see the spiral? Why do you remain on the sidelines? Too hard to commit to some real skin in the game? I see top down strong leaders working through cahlenges