2017 Diabetes PC announced


With January goal attainment ranging from a low of 24% to a high of 227% (an astounding 203% difference in goal attainment) PC is a forgone conclusion. If you were lucky enough (stress the luck part) to blow out your quota then take the rest of the year off. If you have the misfortune of having a high goal territory (based on the ridiculous idea of comparing Jardiance to Invk/Farx launch #s) then you dont have a prayer of getting close to PC.
BTW what happened to this whole net sales thing? Many small territories with low volume and low goals are blowing it out while high volume high goal territories (which make much more $ for the company) are getting crushed.
Love to hear from the company boys who talk about "working harder" and "stop complaining". Here's a simple idea: If a territory makes millions of dollars more profit than another territory shouldn't the reps get paid more?


if your in a high volume territory you need to work much slower and grow the business gradually. Don't go full speed because you will get burned. If BI was smart, they would compensate the reps better. This is the biggest reason I left. There are some pharma companies that actually take care of reps, especially during launch of products etc. this company is good just don't expect to make lots of money. The harder you work, the same money you'll make.

Here are the 2017 winners of Diabetes:
El Paso

Please join me in welcoming them to the winners circle and check back this time next year to for confirmation