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2015 Predictions


To get this thread started:

By January 7th we will receive at least 3 MVX messages from various levels of management wishing us Happy New Year and hoping that we are rested and refreshed and ready to make a difference each and every day. (ie: you had your fun, now get out there and work)

One other prediction...there will be fewer Merck employees one year from today.

Good predictions or too obvious?


To get this thread started:

By January 7th we will receive at least 3 MVX messages from various levels of management wishing us Happy New Year and hoping that we are rested and refreshed and ready to make a difference each and every day. (ie: you had your fun, now get out there and work)

One other prediction...there will be fewer Merck employees one year from today.

Good predictions or too obvious?

Both are good, obvious predictions. You would have predicted correctly in any of the last ten years.

Another prediction: when you eventually get shown the door this year, you will wish you left last year when you had the chance!

Like a gambler who stays at the table a bit too long for one last hand.

Another prediction: when you eventually get shown the door this year, you will wish you left last year when you had the chance!

Like a gambler who stays at the table a bit too long for one last hand.

Every month is another $10K in my pocket that I've done little to nothing for. It's also another month to further develop my real income, which has nothing to do with Merck.

FU Merck

During the first quarter of 2015 we will be at a meeting or on a teleconference where the word excite, excited, excitement or exciting will be used no less than 12 times within an hour. Hell, I am excited just thinking about it.

During the first quarter of 2015 we will be at a meeting or on a teleconference where the word excite, excited, excitement or exciting will be used no less than 12 times within an hour. Hell, I am excited just thinking about it.

This will definitely apply to management's explanation of the "New Exciting 2015 Incentive Plan"

If you are a sr or less rep watch out. If you make a better salary than peers and you are not an exec or greater rep you are out! Witch and warlock predictions from the streets...

How about working on your PMP and listing "be retained" as your primary career development goal and "updating Linkedin profile" as an action step.

Those who stay and those who go?

Sales numbers, history, rank, awards determine it all?
Nah. If the ctl (and buds) like you...you stay.
That is it...pure and simple.

Look around. Its not about sales.

Those who stay and those who go?

Sales numbers, history, rank, awards determine it all?
Nah. If the ctl (and buds) like you...you stay.
That is it...pure and simple.

Look around. Its not about sales.

Its not about skill (cough, cough) either. We need a rep instruction book, Stand Up, Sit Down Details for Dummies. Can cover how to fit in 3 words as the doc rushes away. How to score big with your manager when doctors wont talk product. How to feed the office for fun and profit!

Merck will continue its downward slide. They will also try another reorg, layoffs, and site closures. This is one of the worst companies I've worked for. If it wasn't for the ridiculously high and unjustified income I get, I would have left years ago.

Merck will continue its downward slide. They will also try another reorg, layoffs, and site closures. This is one of the worst companies I've worked for. If it wasn't for the ridiculously high and unjustified income I get, I would have left years ago.

You have just admitted to being a parasite. I have no idea how many other companies you have plagued but I would encourage you to leave this fine upstanding company and take the other parasites /15s/ with you.

Merck will continue its downward slide. They will also try another reorg, layoffs, and site closures. This is one of the worst companies I've worked for. If it wasn't for the ridiculously high and unjustified income I get, I would have left years ago.

Truth is, not all reps are high paid.

Same job but mega income differences abound...

Could be why some the reps with those big years in and mammoth incomes are being released. They get a treat for the road and shown the door...

Guess the new goal is skeleton sized crew and modest income, period.

Too much speculation by too many uninformed on how 2015 will evolve. I guess we take the wait and see attitude. Hard to visualize any further cuts with a new sleeper, Improve It data and J/J cruising along.... Life is good...

Too much speculation by too many uninformed on how 2015 will evolve. I guess we take the wait and see attitude. Hard to visualize any further cuts with a new sleeper, Improve It data and J/J cruising along.... Life is good...

Wow. Still wearing those blinders, eh?

The sleeper will be a bust. IMPROVE IT was almost worthless, as the drugs' patents are finished anyhow. J/J have lost market share for seven straight quarters and revenues are falling, despite massive price hikes. Life at Merck has been horrible for ten years and it's only going to continue to decline.

Get your head out of the sand. Start preparing for your next move---outside of Merck---now. It's coming for you, just as it has for tens of thousands of others.

Wow. Still wearing those blinders, eh?

The sleeper will be a bust. IMPROVE IT was almost worthless, as the drugs' patents are finished anyhow. J/J have lost market share for seven straight quarters and revenues are falling, despite massive price hikes. Life at Merck has been horrible for ten years and it's only going to continue to decline.

Get your head out of the sand. Start preparing for your next move---outside of Merck---now. It's coming for you, just as it has for tens of thousands of others.

All the Improve It was good for was avoiding the slew of lawsuits that would have followed a study failure. As for J&J, I think the customers are starting to realize that all of the current oral meds pretty much do nothing but change A1C numbers. Insulin is the only truly effective therapy. You know, one that actually helps the patient. The orals exist only because patients are afraid of and inconvenienced by insulin injections.

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