Classic case of projection. Don't be do defensive. I am relaxed and actually having fun with this. I don't look at this as a negative. In fact, whenever people in power show their true colors I see that as a positive. But, thanks for your concern regarding my well being.
Oh stop, you're making me blush. I bet you told that to all the female CSC's at the after dinner party. I might not follow you into battle, but I would follow you into a bar, brothel, or psych ward.
I think I know who wrote this...perhaps the same person that said a former "high performer" who got locked outside their room naked and drunk, only to be discovered by a hotel guest completely unrelated to the NSM also wasn't a big deal. It's all just good fun and besides he's number one. At least nothing has changed around here, keep on building those mega profiles and setting low standards of personal behavior and IDD will continue benchmarking themselves as a smashing success.