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2014 predictions


Nesina family Gone
Amitiza. Holding steady due to forest layoffs
Dexilant. Will get tougher but will still be promoted
Gout. No changes
Brintellix. This drug is the future of our company
Weight loss drug. DOA. Pray you don't get it

No layoffs


Gee Sherlock the Federal Court in January found us guilty of "spoilage". Yes burning and shredding the evidence once we knew they were on to us. Might work in Japan but not here. Hey Yasu it's Hari Kari time !!!

Nesina family Gone
Amitiza. Holding steady due to forest layoffs
Dexilant. Will get tougher but will still be promoted
Gout. No changes
Brintellix. This drug is the future of our company
Weight loss drug. DOA. Pray you don't get it

No layoffs

Wow! Sounds like a great place to be

Said no one ever

Nesina family Gone
Amitiza. Holding steady due to forest layoffs
Dexilant. Will get tougher but will still be promoted
Gout. No changes
Brintellix. This drug is the future of our company
Weight loss drug. DOA. Pray you don't get it

No layoffs

Did you forget to mention the two big AZ things looming?

AZ gets their Gout drug
Nexium goes off patent

Two big hits to the Takeda $$$$$


Did you forget to mention the two big AZ things looming?

AZ gets their Gout drug
Nexium goes off patent

Two big hits to the Takeda $$$$$


Nexium is off patent in May, that will put a dent in our Crapadexillaint business

The AZ gout drug will be the gout leader when it comes out, but we'll all be long gone by the time that hits the market, it isn't happening in 2014

Nexium is off patent in May, that will put a dent in our Crapadexillaint business

The AZ gout drug will be the gout leader when it comes out, but we'll all be long gone by the time that hits the market, it isn't happening in 2014

Oh you bundle of joy you? Do you think your attitude can be anymore feeble, woeful?

Regarding Contract Sales force....................Are you saying that this will allow them to lay off CSO first should our "plans" not hit the numbers in a few years?......................me thinks me smells a rat..............

Nesina family Gone
Amitiza. Holding steady due to forest layoffs
Dexilant. Will get tougher but will still be promoted
Gout. No changes
Brintellix. This drug is the future of our company
Weight loss drug. DOA. Pray you don't get it

No layoffs

2014 Prediction? This board will continue to spit out stupid, juvenile posts, on a daily basis - as it has since the TAP acquisition....6.years.ago.

Glad I left - the company I work for now, has a fraction of these dumb posts. Enjoy your weekend.

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