2014 car options


whatever the choices, maybe bi should save on cars and only issue one car per two reps especially since in this area, you always see TWO REPS working together--never work alone!
whats up with that?

True -How many reps does it take to have a lunch with a single HCP? Always 2 at BI. Doesn't make much sense but no one is doing anything about it. Dm do something useful and look at Veeva sign dates n times for your reps. Really doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Waste of money like CSC and HSE. What does these folks add to the bottom line? O right no one knows.

here in Texas, ALWAYS two bipi reps working together. i have heard from other reps that they too, have not been allowed to see the doc because doc is pissed that two reps came in together or the gate keeper will stress only one rep not like those that always work together!

yup, aint that the truth here in TEXAS same ole bimbo with her side kick-take your choice either the ex- Takeda chic or the new preppy bipi dude! Give us all a break! If you cannot work alone then you are in the wrong business!

2 reps per lunch is BI standard for small office BUT land that big office group practice! watch out...True story, had that BIG Office lunch (most doctors in different specialties who never Rx my products,but who cares)..yep, had a counterpart want to drop in and assist, ok fine, then another; yep and another who promised just to stay for a little while...best of all was the call from some unknown specialty rep from 100 miles away with the story that she was going to be in town anyway and.... yep, it was a rep fest..

specialty rep busy whole time telling me how wasted and hung over she was from West Coast trip/redeye flight, and asking me to point out 'her' target docs, other productive counterpart excused herself, said she was going to lunch (it was now about 1:20pm) with a rep from different company (had to discuss honeymoon destinations). last counterpart packed up load of food and left, I got to cleanup. I'm sure we really sold them something.