Photofrin is not an appealing injectable to companies which produce generics. Why BTG or any company would consider purchasing Photofrin is a mystery. Besides, the pending investigation by the FDA for the off-label marketing of the product will make it "damaged goods." Coupled with a history of product mismanagement, you have a product that is a failure. A company is better off purchasing Flutter from Aptalis since the investment and loss would be minimal. My suggestion to interested Photofrin buyers is to first initiate a meeting with the FDA, so that the FDA is assured you will not condone off-label marketing. The FDA will initiate a meeting (investigation) with the buyer should the buyer fail to contact the FDA first. Since most of the sales are coming from off-label utilization, the FDA will keep a close watch on the new company and their marketing strategies. The FDA realizes that any potential buyer will not purchase Photofrin to generate revenue and maximize profits via FDA indications.