2011 Layoff Package

Thats not the layoff package but instead the PIP package. 2011 layoff package will mirror 2010 package offered when things go down in Sept.

Never sign paperwork saying you resign in return for 1 week severence and health insurance. Find a sleeze bag attorney and sue NVS. You will make more than they are offering.

Can you get laid off if you are on disability? I know they laid off some people who were on fmla for the last lay off in december..

You weren't "laid off" until you reactivated. Once you said you were "able" to return to work, then you were advised as to the status of you/your territory. During the RPP planning, every person/territory were treated equally. If you had a Pip or conduct memo in your past, well, that's another issue. "performance management issues" were the first people to get displaced.

You weren't "laid off" until you reactivated. Once you said you were "able" to return to work, then you were advised as to the status of you/your territory. During the RPP planning, every person/territory were treated equally. If you had a Pip or conduct memo in your past, well, that's another issue. "performance management issues" were the first people to get displaced.

Looks like somebody drank just the right amount of Kompany Koolaid.