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First of all...your not my friend, your a CTM, probably slurping your kool-aid flavored latte as your eloquently type your speech. I guess for your position, one may have to avoid the mirror every morning for fear of looking within your soul asking yourself, is what I do really worth it? For some... or many who fit merck's management model: psychotic power-hungry spineless back-stabbing bottom feeders! It is so nice to know I will not work for less money with merck because I already work double the workload vs schering workload,and have no opportunity for advancement--oh, because I don't say "yes" enough or maybe because I refuse to work 90hrs a week instead of 80 hrs doing worthless reports, meetings, teleconferences, and get paid crappy bonuses no matter how hard I work because products and MC formulas are in the toilet, not to mention how merck chips away at your dignity and self worth. If you do your math homework, you will quickly see how much money you don't make! I guess there is something to be said for working a regular 40 hr a week J_O_B where your input and ideas are valued, oh the real input and ideas, not the fake feedback for fear of being retaliated against because you may have spoke what was really on your mind! Merck is nothing but a cesspool! The quicker you get out, the sooner true quality of life can begin! Good Luck Everyone