A the winner of the 2011 Darwin Award goes to JL for:
1. Driving a failed strategy forward regardless of all the warning signs of failure
2. Spending billions of Lilly's cash reserves on bad investments against all
analysts recommendations
3. Spending tens of millions on non-productive facility upgrades and decorations
4. Spending tens of millions on Six Sigma projects with 0 ROI
5. Spending millions on Day of Service projects that decorated roadsides instead of
helping the needy of the local community
6. Accepting millions in bonuses while producing losses for stockholders
7. Driving workforce moral into the ground
8. Laying off thousands of a once dedicated family like workforce
Thanks JL. You definitely deserve all the credit. Enjoy your life of easy.
1. Driving a failed strategy forward regardless of all the warning signs of failure
2. Spending billions of Lilly's cash reserves on bad investments against all
analysts recommendations
3. Spending tens of millions on non-productive facility upgrades and decorations
4. Spending tens of millions on Six Sigma projects with 0 ROI
5. Spending millions on Day of Service projects that decorated roadsides instead of
helping the needy of the local community
6. Accepting millions in bonuses while producing losses for stockholders
7. Driving workforce moral into the ground
8. Laying off thousands of a once dedicated family like workforce
Thanks JL. You definitely deserve all the credit. Enjoy your life of easy.