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2011 Annual Report


Old news, but this makes it official.

The trade publications had this down a while ago. Funny how Wall Street is still in the dark. Where are the analysts pounding their fists on the table, shouting "See what happens when you dismantle R&D dummy?"

What did I ever do to you?

Cool it, and maybe you'll see an extra 2% in your check this year. Just as long as exceed all expectations and make your coworkers look like crap. Okay?

Try printing a copy on absorbent paper, makes great reading in the john, when sitting on the porcelain throne, striking "The Thinker" pose and memorizing the report, word for word.


Try printing a copy on absorbent paper, makes great reading in the john, when sitting on the porcelain throne, striking "The Thinker" pose and memorizing the report, word for word.


"Hi, I'm Johnny CA$H, your CEO. I strike the Thinker/Tebow pose whilst on my throne. I call it: The $tinker. It inspires me to lead the Growth Pharma of the Millenium."