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2010 Global Leadership Conference - Results?


As our esteemed "leaders" are off spending $millions that Lilly does not have in Shanghai on the 2011 GLC, would they care to report honestly what were the outcomes of the 2010 GLC? What were the commitments that were made? What difference did our "leaders" make in 2010? I am not expecting much so don't be intimidated.

As our esteemed "leaders" are off spending $millions that Lilly does not have in Shanghai on the 2011 GLC, would they care to report honestly what were the outcomes of the 2010 GLC? What were the commitments that were made? What difference did our "leaders" make in 2010? I am not expecting much so don't be intimidated.

When you see the folks from the mayor's office walking around LCC in hardhats murmuring about how your cubes will make great Superbowl hostels, you'll know...