2010 Bonuses

What's the word on bonuses? Does anyone have the breakdown?

I am sure it will be great year for Kevin and the boys. Exceeded EPS (buybacks helped a lot), expenses down (funny accounting) and billions in the banks (off-shore). For the rest of us, it will be crap. Wonder why there are riots in Egypt?? We should do the same, and hopefully get rid of KS, the boys and the board.

Agree total BS. My department's heads already made up their mind on bonuses and pay raises BEFORE eFeedback! Did you hear that HR...we wasted hundreds of hours b'c the brilliance of our management already knew how they were going to divvy up the pieces of pie. Complete BS. My senior leader (ED) would not even mention what my own manager believed I had earned. I can't wait for the economy to pick up. Amgen is too big to change, so the moment I can leave, I am outta' here. Realized Amgen is a great place to do nothing and collect a pay check.

Agree total BS. My department's heads already made up their mind on bonuses and pay raises BEFORE eFeedback! Did you hear that HR...we wasted hundreds of hours b'c the brilliance of our management already knew how they were going to divvy up the pieces of pie. Complete BS. My senior leader (ED) would not even mention what my own manager believed I had earned. I can't wait for the economy to pick up. Amgen is too big to change, so the moment I can leave, I am outta' here. Realized Amgen is a great place to do nothing and collect a pay check.

The E- feedbacks are to determine whether to fire your ass .

The E- feedbacks are to determine whether to fire your ass .

In all seriousness, no they are not. Amgen is a political minefield and the way the company is being managed is supporting a behavior of, "just keep your head down." There is little if any accountability from what I see and based upon conversations with a lot of people all in different functions, it is the same.

The death of Amgen will be its failure to implement backbone infrastructure. SAP, a debacle, IS, a complete debacle.

In all seriousness, no they are not. Amgen is a political minefield and the way the company is being managed is supporting a behavior of, "just keep your head down." There is little if any accountability from what I see and based upon conversations with a lot of people all in different functions, it is the same.

The death of Amgen will be its failure to implement backbone infrastructure. SAP, a debacle, IS, a complete debacle.

Maybe they are dead and don't know it. Does Zombie come to mind?

You can view the bonus structure yourself on the HR MAP page. They are typical and fine this year with an average of 15% or so for Satisfactory performance.

That said, the company is definitely in serious trouble with no light at the end of the tunnel. The environment is horrible, just horrible, the problems so deep that solving them would take some drastic, powerful, and unimagineable. How do you eliminate the egotistical, emotionally unintelligent and immature leaders that are running this company into the ground? Where a small mistake is leveraged to degrade staff and promote fear and intimidation, where truly innovative thinking is not recognized or encouraged, metrics are a joke and leverage for political collateral, and many staff are either truly afraid for their jobs, laughing at management as they ride the silly wave and earn paychecks for doing nothing, or working the political machine to their advantage. It is truly and deeply a sad environment, one that ripples not just into the performance of the company but deep into the local community, schools, and staff families.

You can view the bonus structure yourself on the HR MAP page. They are typical and fine this year with an average of 15% or so for Satisfactory performance.

That said, the company is definitely in serious trouble with no light at the end of the tunnel. The environment is horrible, just horrible, the problems so deep that solving them would take some drastic, powerful, and unimagineable. How do you eliminate the egotistical, emotionally unintelligent and immature leaders that are running this company into the ground? Where a small mistake is leveraged to degrade staff and promote fear and intimidation, where truly innovative thinking is not recognized or encouraged, metrics are a joke and leverage for political collateral, and many staff are either truly afraid for their jobs, laughing at management as they ride the silly wave and earn paychecks for doing nothing, or working the political machine to their advantage. It is truly and deeply a sad environment, one that ripples not just into the performance of the company but deep into the local community, schools, and staff families.

And that is why you are all still there, not to mention that no will take you know how many of you are looking and getting no replies quite a few I’ll bet take a good look at where you are you going to be there a long time .

The problem I have detected is, the great majority of the people that read these posts, do nothing, apparently not caring as to the eventualities. The amount of posters here on Cafepharma, read a lot but don't participate. For years I have been quite vocal about changes, but just a few people talking up, won't cut it. We need lots of letter writing. Amgen does have a "shareholder relations" department.

Tell me more. I want to make a difference.

ARI does have a good cost of goods on a per gram basis, but due to the details of the deal with wyeth and the dosing requirements...your contribution is well short of a single AML plant (AML 7). AML 7 has about 4 B in revs, all booked by amgen, mugh higher margins. The fact that your COGM is lower on a per gram basis really isn't the point...they have like 200 making this happen. Anyhow...not your fault...just the nature of the molecule/contracts. Both plants are making progress on cost/efficiency and appear to have a future...no point in making apples to apples comparisons as you would be hard pressed to call Enbrel and Neupe/Neulasta both apples. Focus on what you can control...making your plant run more efficiently.

You can view the bonus structure yourself on the HR MAP page. They are typical and fine this year with an average of 15% or so for Satisfactory performance.QUOTE]

15% bonus wasnt anything close to what quality received, it was 10% for satisfactory, and yes, efeedbacks are a bunch of crap.

My staff received this plus or minus.

But I do agree that the eFeedback process and that the overall review process are deeply flawed. The EDs along with the VPs in my department go into a closed door discussion and decide everyone's rating without benefit of the performance review even written. Our performance reviews are not written on whether goals were reached or not (oh maybe loosely) but are written to match the rating. My contribution to this process is to send my supervisor an email on what rating my staff should get and why, but it is often overruled and hotly debated as the EDs all work to argue each other down so they can give their staff the highest ratings. It's all based on perception, relationship, and debating skills. eFeedback is just a cover to make the process look valid. Goals are pointless as they aren't used to provide direction, assess staff or the organization, and gamed at the end of the day so the VP can get the rating wanted. It is a horrible process that contributes to the negatively politic company. One bad manager can reign supreme if that one bad manager has the VPs ear or great showmanship. The VPs ear can be bought by showing data that supports the goals, though the data is easily displayed to do so. The process lacks integrity through and through. No one really speaks up because the environment is so political, to actually say something against the grain would be a faux pas used against that person later.

The emperor is not wearing any clothes and no one speaks up for they will be shot. The one who speaks up becomes the target to keep the attention off themselves. It's a great advantage to find someone to shoot at so leadership can continue to ride under the radar.