BioReference and Hatfield Family Medicine
Amount: $2,195.66
Posted by: mmacbain in Mesa, AZ. Posted: February 13th, 2012 05:02PM
Clinic or Doctor: Hatfield Family Medicine Insurance Carrier: BCBS of AZ
Type of Policy: Medical
Just got a bill two weeks later after a routine pap smear. Did not ask to be tested for STD's. Doctors office obviously ran a PCR and now I have a bill for $2195.66. Bill says that they don't recognise me as covered by ins?? I am, but what kind of tests are these? Why were they run without my permission? What is going on here?
Gonna be hard to grow when you are pissing off so many people. gen-pap is one of the biggest wastes of money in healthcare.
Amount: $2,195.66
Posted by: mmacbain in Mesa, AZ. Posted: February 13th, 2012 05:02PM
Clinic or Doctor: Hatfield Family Medicine Insurance Carrier: BCBS of AZ
Type of Policy: Medical
Just got a bill two weeks later after a routine pap smear. Did not ask to be tested for STD's. Doctors office obviously ran a PCR and now I have a bill for $2195.66. Bill says that they don't recognise me as covered by ins?? I am, but what kind of tests are these? Why were they run without my permission? What is going on here?
Gonna be hard to grow when you are pissing off so many people. gen-pap is one of the biggest wastes of money in healthcare.