2 week notice


When this company was Inventiv I gave my 2 week notice and was told my last day was in 2 days. Which happened to be 2 days shy of the end of the quarter so I didn't get my bonus. At that time you only needed to be employed until the end of the quarter to get paid out. Got smarter and when I resigned with Syneos I made sure I was employed at the time of bonus payout. They did allow me to work out the last two weeks. But they only pay out 30% of accrued vacation time so be sure to take the days !

When this company was Inventiv I gave my 2 week notice and was told my last day was in 2 days. Which happened to be 2 days shy of the end of the quarter so I didn't get my bonus. At that time you only needed to be employed until the end of the quarter to get paid out. Got smarter and when I resigned with Syneos I made sure I was employed at the time of bonus payout. They did allow me to work out the last two weeks. But they only pay out 30% of accrued vacation time so be sure to take the days !
Seriously? You expect me to believe that you resigned from Syneos twice? First when you were dumb and second when Syneos was dumb enough to re-hire you and you resigned wiser? Sure. Even this fiction cannot hold water.