$2 Raise/ Good News/ Bad News


Good News! $2.00 raise July 1 Whoopee! Great! Fantastic! Super! Kuodos!

Bad News ! Enablex, Pancreaze and Fenoglide contracts all scheduled to expire June 30th

No pending new contracts or extentions of these contracts announced . No straight answers from management!

Who the hell is is this raise for?..........

Is it for The other Select Access team made mostly of younger recently hired ex big pharma rep?

I smell an age discrimination class action law suit if our team gets the boot and you dont roll us over onto a new contract.

Cant you freakin be straight with us in " in your new spirit of open dialogue with employees and mangement."

Come on fellow SA reps. wake up grow a pair and get some answers and ask questions that really matter.

Ask your DM now and see what his response you get about the status of current contracts or new ones starting in JUne or July.

The 2.00 raise will mean nothing if you are not employed on JUly 1st.

Wake up everybody! Please post the feedback you get from you DM regarding the above.

Good Luck and Good Selling!

Good News! $2.00 raise July 1 Whoopee! Great! Fantastic! Super! Kuodos!

Bad News ! Enablex, Pancreaze and Fenoglide contracts all scheduled to expire June 30th

No pending new contracts or extentions of these contracts announced . No straight answers from management!

Who the hell is is this raise for?..........

Is it for The other Select Access team made mostly of younger recently hired ex big pharma rep?

I smell an age discrimination class action law suit if our team gets the boot and you dont roll us over onto a new contract.

Cant you freakin be straight with us in " in your new spirit of open dialogue with employees and mangement."

Come on fellow SA reps. wake up grow a pair and get some answers and ask questions that really matter.

Ask your DM now and see what his response you get about the status of current contracts or new ones starting in JUne or July.

The 2.00 raise will mean nothing if you are not employed on JUly 1st.

Wake up everybody! Please post the feedback you get from you DM regarding the above.

Good Luck and Good Selling!
Maybe there is a contract starting up July 1. Are you sure these contracts are expiring, who is your source? I understood the "other" younger shared sales team promoting Boniva was laid off months ago. Aren't we the only team, maybe they are doing away with Shared Sales. If anyone listened to the Shared SalesTownhall meeting a week ago with America, Kathy Marsico, and Frank Arena, one would get the feeling we were here for the long haul.

What do you mean by carry us?

Are they going to pay us if we have 0 calls after JUne 30th? I dont think so .

Its time for managment to be honest and upfront with us.

Wake up fellow reps. Arent you concerned ? I am.

Are most of you just a bunch of lemmings following each other off the end of a cliff without ever questionioning PDIs motives or lack of communication.

or are you independently wealthy and only do this job to fill in your day?

I think most of us depend on this job for a steady income.

The best way for the mangement to treat us professionally is be up front and prepare us for what is coming or not coming in June or July. At this point many of us are finishing are final calls for the month.

We all deserve some advance notice about our calls or training form the company so we can make plans for our future.

....."We all deserve some advance notice....."

What makes you think you "deserve" this?
Wake up!

You are in the business world.
Businesses don't survive and thrive by being nice, you know.

Those of us who have been on SS for a while realize there is a ebb and flow to the contracts. If you need a secure income month after month then SS is not for you. Management can not tell us if they are in negotiation on new contracts because it is not done until the contract is signed. They do not want compeition to know what PDI is doing and if they dont get the contract they look unprofessional. Usually these negotiations are confidential for a variety of reasons. I am vey happy about the $2.16 for admin work. Our new management is trying to do their best for us and the shareholders too. Bottom line, PDI has to make a profit for SS to be viable. I repeat, if you need a steady income you should look elsewhere because SS is not that.

The Real " Straight Up Talk"

You can remain confidential about pending negotiations with upcoming contracts and still give your employees an idea of what might be happening in the near future.

PDI had the perfect opportunity to do so at the recent Town Hall meeting.

Managements failure to say anything makes me tend to aggree with the original poster.

I dont buy your need to be cloak and dagger with the employees.

The other contract sales companies all know what is going on . There is no spilling the beans to other CSO's It is up to the BD team to close the deal and frankly our last 2 contracts gave most of very few calls.

I think it is unprofessional for PDI not to tell their current employees their plans and what to anticipate next month. Aren't we the " life- blood of the company? "

Not giving us any information about next month or July shows either.... poor planning on managements part .....or that they really dont give a crap about the current group of people and the town hall meeting was a bunch of "lip service".

If we had a a new sizeable contract starting soon they would they would be gearing up for it in the training department right now .

Any notices about new training???? Nope!

Maybe that is why they laid off all the managers recently ???? (Nice loyalty to your field managers by the way)

If Select Access thought they had any new business coming soon they would have retained those people. Would n't that make more sense? If PDI is so cash poor that they cant keep managers for a month until new businees starts the reps are the next to go.

Maybe they just want us to stick around to finish our calls so that the remaining managers get a nice bonus???? (That sounds more like it!)

By the way we have not been paid Tamiflu bonus or Pancreaze bonus in quite some time folks! Flu promotion ended March 30th. Pancreaze has not been paid since we got 1st quater 2010 checks (Whats up with that?) Collecting a little interest on our bonus perhaps. Koudos!

As far as not depending on PDI as a steady income , you must be one of the independently wealthy reps or have another source of major income.

Most likely you are in management and drawing a nice fat salary even when businees is slow. Koudos!

Our income is totally based on the number of calls we get.

Do the Math reps

$20 per call + 2.18 admin fee X 0 calls = 0

Have a great day Selling everyone!

What happend to the goal of "better communications" with your employees.

I guess that means telling me whos aniversery it is in the company newsletter. I could care less about that.

The Real " Straight Up Talk"

You can remain confidential about pending negotiations with upcoming contracts and still give your employees an idea of what might be happening in the near future.

PDI had the perfect opportunity to do so at the recent Town Hall meeting.

Managements failure to say anything makes me tend to aggree with the original poster.

I dont buy your need to be cloak and dagger with the employees.

The other contract sales companies all know what is going on . There is no spilling the beans to other CSO's It is up to the BD team to close the deal and frankly our last 2 contracts gave most of very few calls.

I think it is unprofessional for PDI not to tell their current employees their plans and what to anticipate next month. Aren't we the " life- blood of the company? "

Not giving us any information about next month or July shows either.... poor planning on managements part .....or that they really dont give a crap about the current group of people and the town hall meeting was a bunch of "lip service".

If we had a a new sizeable contract starting soon they would they would be gearing up for it in the training department right now .

Any notices about new training???? Nope!

Maybe that is why they laid off all the managers recently ???? (Nice loyalty to your field managers by the way)

If Select Access thought they had any new business coming soon they would have retained those people. Would n't that make more sense? If PDI is so cash poor that they cant keep managers for a month until new businees starts the reps are the next to go.

Maybe they just want us to stick around to finish our calls so that the remaining managers get a nice bonus???? (That sounds more like it!)

By the way we have not been paid Tamiflu bonus or Pancreaze bonus in quite some time folks! Flu promotion ended March 30th. Pancreaze has not been paid since we got 1st quater 2010 checks (Whats up with that?) Collecting a little interest on our bonus perhaps. Koudos!

As far as not depending on PDI as a steady income , you must be one of the independently wealthy reps or have another source of major income.

Most likely you are in management and drawing a nice fat salary even when businees is slow. Koudos!

Our income is totally based on the number of calls we get.

Do the Math reps

$20 per call + 2.18 admin fee X 0 calls = 0

Have a great day Selling everyone!

What happend to the goal of "better communications" with your employees.

I guess that means telling me whos aniversery it is in the company newsletter. I could care less about that.

Is there anything else you want to complain about? If you had been around for any length of time you would understand that the client can and will cancel or extend these contracts at will. Some years we are overloaded with calls and these boards are filled with complaints about too much work and this being a part time job. When we do have a lighter load, the complaints start about how we can't afford to feed our kids. This is contract sales, it means you can't expect to make the exact same amount of money year after year because the company doesn't know quarter to quarter what contracts we will have. If you have been paying attention you would have noticed that PDI still has to bid on the Tamiflu contract. Dah, it's the business world and pharma sales has taken a major hit, or is that another item you missed? No dummy, I am not a DM or from headquarters, I am a rep like you who actually has a realistic idea about what this job is and is not. Many of us know that this is a job that has more flexibility in our paychecks based on contracts and contracts come and go. Just like reps come and go. Bye, Bye.

Dear Veteran Rep, ( last poster)

I have been with PDI a while and lsiten to the conference calls , read memos and have talked to management about what these contracts entail. I also fully understand that the pharmaceutcal business is not what it use to be. You should also realize these contracts may be "at will" but are also binding in some respects.

for exmple ....If a client decides to abruptly cancel a contract, that company has to pay a penalty to PDI .

.... In other words if PDI signs a contract for 12 million for the year and that company abruptly ends the contract after 6 months that company may be obligated to pay PDI as much as 1 months anticpated income from the contract. . In this case that would be at least $ 1,000,000.00

Not too shabby !

That becomes pure profit to corporate because they choose not to share that money with the representatives or mid level management on the dissolved contract. Of course they would rather have the contract run its course. They would obviously make more money.

That being said and hopefully understood by you, please dont be such an appologist for corporate!

I will never complain if they give me 150 calls. I personally need the money. That is what as most of us were told when we started at Select Access.

You may not be in management but you appear to not need the money as much as many of us. I am glad you can afford the time off.

I dont mind a little summer slow down either, but if there are no new calls after July 1st the raise they gave you will not mean much.

As I originally posted if there are 0 calls you make $0.

They will not retain the current number of reps if there is no new business. You are right "It's business" and they dont need to. They are planning to realign and resize territories as we speak. That was discussed at the survey results conference call 2 weeks ago.

They didn't even keep their team I managers or try to roll them over onto other contracts when Tamiflu ended. " Its just businees" I feel bad for those people. Loyalty means very little anymore in corporate America.

I hope PDI gets a couple of major new contracts by the fall and they dont rely on winning the Tamiflu contract .

I have been a productive high ranking rep here on many of the contracts for the last couple of years and I was glad to hear that they are paying us additional money for calls. We deserve it!

I am starting a new part time job and hopefully wil be able to make enough money to pay the mortgage the next couple of months. Not knowing month to month whether I am working or will have enough calls is stressing me out I guess.

I am glad your husband is making a good salary and you dont have to rely on this job. God bless you and continued good luck to you and your family.

Original Poster

Previous poster,

Its a shame that some of those people in the upper echelons of PDI management won't see your posting - they need to understand this......

Good luck to you.

With the help of our government and greedy corpoarate cheese makers and lobbyists a lot of the cheese has moved to China and India and we have been left with crumbs to feed our mice.

Unfortunately, the price of cheese continues to increase each year. I am scurrying almost as much as I did a year ago and I still can get enough cheese.

What will China and India do when the American mice can no longer afford to buy cheese?

Who will buy the cheese then ?

I think if they kept the cheese here and did not let it go overseases we wouldn't have this cheese shortage and it would be easier to find the cheese.

The only Americans with enough cheese are the Fat Cat corporate cheese makers.

Maybe the Fat Cats should start sharing some that cheese with the average American mouse or bringing some of the cheese back to the USA?

I dont think Indians eat cheese anyway. A lot of that cheese is going to end up on the shelf rotting if we dont have money to buy cheese.

What do you think ?