2 Months


Ok, we have 2 months. If nothing changes regarding development on a new entity for HSS. There will be some changes in structure come q-1q-2.
So everyone is wise to the problems with mnk. Citron is just calling it like it is regarding valuation. There are some serious fundamental issues with the company, and there should be a call for MT to step down as CEO.
Shareholder value has been eliminated, and 40 bucks is right around the corner. The $100 days are long gone. Although this does pose a unique purchase opportunity for a big company to take over Mallinckrodt.
Don't be suprised if that happens.
But, back to HSS- there are rumors about a new entity to promote. If there is no development then they can't keep 178 territories, it doesn't make financial sense.
Not to mention the CAS team and justification for all the new spots.

If I were looking into buying MNK I'd force down the stock and get it at a bargain. Of course, I wouldn't need to do that with MT at the helm, he seems keen on making MNK a huge bargain.

Ok, we have 2 months. If nothing changes regarding development on a new entity for HSS. There will be some changes in structure come q-1q-2.
So everyone is wise to the problems with mnk. Citron is just calling it like it is regarding valuation. There are some serious fundamental issues with the company, and there should be a call for MT to step down as CEO.
Shareholder value has been eliminated, and 40 bucks is right around the corner. The $100 days are long gone. Although this does pose a unique purchase opportunity for a big company to take over Mallinckrodt.
Don't be suprised if that happens.
But, back to HSS- there are rumors about a new entity to promote. If there is no development then they can't keep 178 territories, it doesn't make financial sense.
Not to mention the CAS team and justification for all the new spots.


q1 is coming fast and so are the impending layoffs. I see people leaving and what's this? Another co-promotion. Seriously how many people are going to take to sell Ofirmev?

Still not going to hit your number

But this is just your though? You have not heard this from any managers?
Managers are as in the dark as sales reps. You want to find some clues on possible layoffs?...Listen closely to your next quarterly investor call and town hall (anyone who does not listen in to these is clueless). Pay particular attention to your CFO when he discusses SG&A.

Suprising, no one has anything to bitch about today. Sometimes there is justification in beating a dead horse.
So come on people you gotta have something to gripe about.

Suprising, no one has anything to bitch about today. Sometimes there is justification in beating a dead horse.
So come on people you gotta have something to gripe about.

LOL. You're just itching for it, aren't you? The sad thing is that your own post was the bitch of all bitching. You just loooooove stirring that pot. Yes, you suuuure do!

The bitch of the day. What's it going to be.
Price increase, poor leadership, msl jumping ship, Apfel data, new product, layed off OSS trolling board, stock price, co-promotion, PO vs IV, CAS, employee survey- what did I leave out?