2 jobs in 8 months? what to say


so here is my dilemma. I was laid off by a company that dissolved (pharma) out of work 9 months (at height of bad economy) I then took a medical sales/disposables job. That company laid me off - closed my territory. So, two months ago I took another medical sales,
not pharma I have now been called by 4 different companies (and Ventiv) for a position.
What do I do? We know how they are.... "why do you want to leave new job... red flag
on the 2 jobs... blah blah. I would hope they would understand I got laid off... have to feeed my family and couldn't just 'wait' for a pharma job. But I am certainly going to interview for a pharma job over what I have. Has anybody else dealt with this?
I have plenty of longetivity at other pharma jobs.. just this year is bad luck. I would hope they would understand I have to eat... I don't want to be unemployed and even less desirable. So of course I took a job in a related field... I don't tell them in phone iv...
I just ignore new job.. and I willf course will talk about new job...as it is "temporary" until pharma.. any suggestions appreciated!

hmm tough situation, you can try some of these in various forms and depth
1) I think there are opportunities out there that are a better match for my skills and experience
2) ... I wish this (new) opportunity came first as there is no question I would have went for this one instead of the one I just took as the new one is a much better opportunity
3) or something along those lines

if any company doesnt understand whats happened since 2008 and several (tons!) of talented top ranked reps laid off and forced to take jobs (to eat and pay bills!) then company is not worth anyones time. inventivhealth has been gracious to many and understands so take the interview and trust them and goodluck my friend

if any company doesnt understand whats happened since 2008 and several (tons!) of talented top ranked reps laid off and forced to take jobs (to eat and pay bills!) then company is not worth anyones time. inventivhealth has been gracious to many and understands so take the interview and trust them and goodluck my friend

you are perfect cso

Thanks..It is true.. Not a job hopper.. Just trying to stay employed.. That's it.. I guess if they like me it shouldn't matter..

Loser. Get a real job. I was offered a contract position and when I heard the pay I laughed out loud. Right then and there. FU. Im a 41 year old man and you are going to pay me like a bus boy. Kiss my ass. These positions are for losers that cannot get anyone else to hire you.

Wow .. Nice guy 41 yo man.. So trying to support my family instead of collecting welfare makes me a loser. You are the loser with your horrible attitude- obviously you need a job or you would not have interviewed.... Just sayin...

I have seen it many many times. Once someone takes a cso job it really does not matter how many jobs after that. CSO is the end of anything meaningful, ever. Just know that. Chances of ever getting a direct, high paying position are ZERO. So hopping from one cso job to another becomes the norm because there is nothing else. Just sayin'. It hurts I know to all those that have thrown their chances of anything again right down the drain.

I don't have all CSO jobs.. I was at 4 pharma in 15 years. Last pharma was a division of a big
pharma and it got sold. Have not done contract since my first job 15 y ago.
I ask on this board as I did get call for a job here....I guess they are used to job hopping at
CSO.. good point

I have seen it many many times. Once someone takes a cso job it really does not matter how many jobs after that. CSO is the end of anything meaningful, ever. Just know that. Chances of ever getting a direct, high paying position are ZERO. So hopping from one cso job to another becomes the norm because there is nothing else. Just sayin'. It hurts I know to all those that have thrown their chances of anything again right down the drain.

So very true. Don't stay in cso, it is not a career.

I don't have all CSO jobs.. I was at 4 pharma in 15 years. Last pharma was a division of a big
pharma and it got sold. Have not done contract since my first job 15 y ago.
I ask on this board as I did get call for a job here....I guess they are used to job hopping at
CSO.. good point

4 pharma in 15 years = JOB HOPPER!
and you want to know if CSO is right for you JOB HOPPER - GMAFB just hop over there and spend two years instead of not quite four years before you HOP AGAIN - hey just think at that rate you can double your notches on your "PHARM COMPANIES I HAVE WORKED FOR" post in half the time.

Op here- poster 13 grow up. Do you think I chose 2 jobs? What a schmuck. Anyway, turns out my selling skills spinner it into a positive and I got a specialty job with a manufacturer . You really are negative . Really doesn't make you a better person

Op here- poster 13 grow up. Do you think I chose 2 jobs? What a schmuck. Anyway, turns out my selling skills spinner it into a positive and I got a specialty job with a manufacturer . You really are negative . Really doesn't make you a better person

Once a job hopper always a a job hopper you know it, I know it anyone who knows anything about job hoppers knows you are a glaring example of one - you people make me sick