1St quarter bonus???


Does anyone have any idea whatsoever how Novartis came up with the magical # of scripts that each territory must meet to reach 100%?

At our district meeting months ago, we were given our magical # for each of our territories. We asked how the co came up with the #'s and were told that we would find out more later.

Here we sit 3/4+ through the trimester and I've still not been told how this # was arrived at.

Have any of you learned this info? Please share if you have been told!!


silly question. Everybody knows that they get a bunch of bananas, go to the zoo, give the monkeys a few bananas and a pencil and paper and then see what they scratch down.

As at any company the goal is based upon what the nation needs to hit corporate goal and then that number brought down to the territory level based upon your current growth. The difference here is that if you haven't been hitting the national average your goal increases so get you up to the national average- if you have been blowing it out your goal is actually less.

As at any company the goal is based upon what the nation needs to hit corporate goal and then that number brought down to the territory level based upon your current growth. The difference here is that if you haven't been hitting the national average your goal increases so get you up to the national average- if you have been blowing it out your goal is actually less.

Is that your assumption or is that what you've been told?

Is that your assumption or is that what you've been told?
That is complete b.s. In reality those who blow out the goals generally then receive higher goals as a number and percentage because they did well. It is called the "hero to zero" when they can't make the goal the following period. Managers praise for their great sales accomplishments and then turn around and tell them they are poor performers and begin bogus documentation on field babysitting sessions. It seems like there is a slight shortage in isle 12 where they keep the kool aid.

If you were smart you would only be concerned with how much money you will make this quarter from your side business. The bonus is a joke. Be concerned about YOUR future. You only need to work this job 10-15 hours a week. Build a side business on the other 30 hours. When you do you will not be concerned about the measly bonus which you never think is correct. Be concerned about your family not a company who will short your bonus payout and think you are a problem employee when you question them. Start 2018 being concerned about you and your future outside of this Hell Hole.