1S 2022 Meeting


Any company that is so scared of COVID-19 that they are mandating the vaccination’s shouldn’t be having a meeting with everyone coming together, no matter how small they breakdown the groups.

I went to visit family during Thanksgiving we and flew out west to see them. My son got COVID! He has been vaccinated! He got extremely sick. Luckily he pulled through!

The Omicron variant is on the upswing and there have been more hospitalizations and Merck wants to have a live meeting… I don’t get it! Most of those people that have got the Omicron variant are those that have been fully vaccinated! You can’t attend the meeting unless you are fully vaccinated.

The Omicron variant is on the upswing and there have been more hospitalizations and Merck wants to have a live meeting… I don’t get it! Most of those people that have got the Omicron variant are those that have been fully vaccinated! You can’t attend the meeting unless you are fully vaccinated.

Can we sue if we get Covid at one of these meetings since we know the vaccine doesn’t work but yet put into this situation?

If were are mandated to go to the live 1S meeting and I get COVID, you can rest assured I will get the top Lawyer in the county to bring a lawsuit against Merck!!!
Good luck with that… the world is continuing to w and get back to work. vaccinations allowed in person work environments again and hospitalization and death is what is being prevented. Noone is going to pay people to sit home and Make a few phone calls a day

Merck raking in the $$$$ yet decides to hold a live 1S meeting in San Francisco because it's so cheap. San Francisco is a dangerous hell hole and as result we will not be allowed out of the hotel once we arrive, how dare you reward a horribly run city with your business and put our lives at risk.

Merck raking in the $$$$ yet decides to hold a live 1S meeting in San Francisco because it's so cheap. San Francisco is a dangerous hell hole and as result we will not be allowed out of the hotel once we arrive, how dare you reward a horribly run city with your business and put our lives at risk.
Speak for yourself. I’m looking forward to taking an undisturbed dump in a Safeway aisle while shooting heroine.

Any company that is so scared of COVID-19 that they are mandating the vaccination’s shouldn’t be having a meeting with everyone coming together, no matter how small they breakdown the groups.

Most of you at the meeting will get COVID, most will die. All I need to do is survive to get my next promotion. God speed.

Well looks like they are going from one invested nightmare to another in Vegas?! What is Merck thinking?
Let’s see how many people get Covid now in these infested casinos.. I’m sure everyone will stay put in their bubbles, NOT!

with Covid number going up the way they are this is totally irresponsible and lawsuits waiting to happen.