$15.00 per call new contract ?


Can anyone else verify that this new contact is for $15.00 per call. An intro call followed by a second and third call that involve over a 2 hour + in service?

This cant be true. If so PDI ERT has become a minimum wage job.

How can you do this to your reps ? Who in their right mind would accept this job?

If this is true PDI management should be ashamed to offer this to its reps. Furthermore a 2 hour profession in service = $7.50 an hour. PDI ERT compensation and management of its reps has reached an all time low.

Were the reps told how much they were being paid before they accepted the new contract?

Details Please.

Anyone who can give more details please do.

Your three calls would be paid $15 a call - so most reps will be making less than minimum wage. If the Dr. orders 12 test kits rep would be paid $500. All of this was covered on the call. Curious if enough reps signed on and if the contract has been signed.

Former PDI rep from 2006 here. Is the recruiter the same for shared and dedicated? I have a terrible time getting through to PDI recruiters and only got the former gig by sending my resume to a friend who was employed there. Any advice? (I have 15 total contract years--some with inVentiv--but have now been out for over 2 years due to economy and probably also age. I am 53 but won many national awards.)

$15 per call. Max of 40 - 130 per month and it varies. No bennies. $.45 per mile. What a joke. Oh, forgot the best part... they only want to talk to you if you've won National awards!

Former PDI rep from 2006 here. Is the recruiter the same for shared and dedicated? I have a terrible time getting through to PDI recruiters and only got the former gig by sending my resume to a friend who was employed there. Any advice? (I have 15 total contract years--some with inVentiv--but have now been out for over 2 years due to economy and probably also age. I am 53 but won many national awards.)

Listen brother, if you're a white guy and over 50, forget about it. National awards and consistent high ranks don't mean a damn thing anymore. Nobody cares. You have to be female and a member of a minority group.

Guys, we have to turn down these contracts! If nobody takes these jobs. They'll have to increase the pay. As long as people take these contracts, they will keep dropping the pay scale. Kinda like" how low can you go?" Say NO