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13,000 DOW !!!

The Dow Jones industrial average briefly touched 13,000 for the first time since May 2008. Thank you Mr President, it's been a long, hard road but we've finally accomplished one of the most imporant ingredients of our imminent recovery. We have faith in you.

Why are you thanking the President? What policy/policies specifically led to DOW 13,000?

Also, isn't this Wall St? How can you be a 99%er and support Wall St? Seems contradictory to me.

But, first please tell us what OWEdummy has done to bring this about.

Why are you thanking the President? What policy/policies specifically led to DOW 13,000?

Also, isn't this Wall St? How can you be a 99%er and support Wall St? Seems contradictory to me.

But, first please tell us what OWEdummy has done to bring this about.

This just in from Dick Morris. He's got a pont folks - and they all fucking do it. Everyone of these bastards is rewriting their place in history to be something they aren't. Gingrich is one of the worst trying to be a 'part of the Reagan legacy when he wasn't even there (IMHO).

The point being, we the people like it when it feels good and tend to vote for what feels good at the time. Not a lot of thought involved.

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The Dow Jones industrial average briefly touched 13,000 for the first time since May 2008. Thank you Mr President, it's been a long, hard road but we've finally accomplished one of the most imporant ingredients of our imminent recovery. We have faith in you.

Wow, it seems the conservative argument that Obama's policies are all failing is as empty as a gingrich victory balloon. Watch the idiots at Faux say that the improving stack market is just an illusion, and the economy is worse now than when the shrub was president.

Wow, it seems the conservative argument that Obama's policies are all failing is as empty as a gingrich victory balloon. Watch the idiots at Faux say that the improving stack market is just an illusion, and the economy is worse now than when the shrub was president.

Both are true.

As I asked previously. Please illuminate the specific OWEdummyfucker policy that is causing the stock market to climb?

I know why it is rising and it has nothing to do with OWEdummyfucker.

But please I am open to hearing why you think it is happening.

BTW, aren't you happy that the 1%ers on Wall St are benefitting from the stock market rising? It isn't like the poor are being helped, at least not according to you guys.

The use of the word poor was not intended to impugn any race, creed, color or person of sexual orientation. It was meant in its most generic sense to identify those of limited financial resources. If anyone is offended by use of the word "poor", I sincerely apologize.

This just in from Dick Morris. He's got a pont folks - and they all fucking do it. Everyone of these bastards is rewriting their place in history to be something they aren't. Gingrich is one of the worst trying to be a 'part of the Reagan legacy when he wasn't even there (IMHO).

The point being, we the people like it when it feels good and tend to vote for hat feels good at the time. Not a lot of thought involved.


This is a Fed fueled runup. Make no mistake, QE3 is happening even if the Fed isn't publicly announcing it. When the Fed makes money cheaper, it always finds its way to the stock market. This is a tricky time to invest. Right now the major indices are hitting major resistance levels, so the question is where do they go from here?

Do they drop down? Or does the adage "don't fight the fed" play itself out. Right now, for the most part I am on the sidelines. This is a tricky time for traders.

Why are you thanking the President? What policy/policies specifically led to DOW 13,000?

Also, isn't this Wall St? How can you be a 99%er and support Wall St? Seems contradictory to me.

But, first please tell us what OWEdummy has done to bring this about.


As soon as you can explain why Fox News was blaming Obama for the dow slide before he took office and within days of inauguration and at other times in the past 3 yrs.


And this one is rich...Rove is blaming the slide before election day when he was ahead in the polls.


When you can explain these, we'll be back with our explanation. :D

Oh, the kenyan marxist sharia socialism must be stopped. This 13,000 number surely means the death of us all.

Oh NOES! :eek:

You guys sure are an inconsistent lot. When it goes up, it is OWEdummy who gets all the credit. If it goes down, well, we know that with you guys nothing is his fault and you will probably blame Bush.

But, the larger question is that with all of your Occupy Wall St tendencies and your complaints of Wall St avarice and hatred of greed and the 1%, why are you applauding the rise of the tool of the 1%?

Surely the 99%ers aren't benefitting from a rising stock market are they? If so, why are they protesting Wall St?

Please explain.

Thanks in advance.

And as always, I apologize in advance for any implied racism that my post may engender

You guys sure are an inconsistent lot. When it goes up, it is OWEdummy who gets all the credit. If it goes down, well, we know that with you guys nothing is his fault and you will probably blame Bush.

Ummm, it hasn't really gone down since he took office - what's that, luck?
But, the larger question is that with all of your Occupy Wall St tendencies and your complaints of Wall St avarice and hatred of greed and the 1%, why are you applauding the rise of the tool of the 1%?

Surely the 99%ers aren't benefitting from a rising stock market are they? If so, why are they protesting Wall St?

Please explain.

Thanks in advance.

And as always, I apologize in advance for any implied racism that my post may engender

Your post is too convoluted, obviously you have no idea what's going on.
And kindly quit playing the race card.

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In other news, the Dow is up 62% since Obama took office. Imagine how high it would be if Obama weren’t a Kenyan Muslim socialist communist Nazi deliberately trying to destroy America and capitalism.

In the end, he will go down as a great president.

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“Anyone who said QE1 and 2 didn’t work – think again – you print money and you get the stock market higher.”


If you think this has anything to do with Obama, then you don't understand the issue. Almost all of QE1 was Bush Administration policy in place before Obama took office.



We have a winner. For the record though, it was not the Bush administration more the OWEdummyasshole administration. It is the Federal Reserve and Bernanke.

Now, I don't deny that politics play a part and I am sure it is in concert with administrations, but technically it is not any administrations policy.

It is Federal Reserve policy. This is why Ron Paul is dead on nuts accurate. End the Fed. Yes, the stock market is going up, but people are losing purchasing power through inflation.

Stock market up 62% and gasoline prices up 90%. How exactly are people winning in that scenario?

BRING ON $5/gallon GASOLINE!!!!!