Haha!!! What a toxic work environment it must be over at Gillycrap!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 14, 2013 at 07:20: PM #1 Anonymous Guest Haha!!! What a toxic work environment it must be over at Gillycrap!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 07:13: AM #2 Anonymous Guest You are greener with envy than all $11 Billion
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 07:52: AM #3 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: You are greener with envy than all $11 Billion Click to expand... You mean $70 billion
Anonymous said: You are greener with envy than all $11 Billion Click to expand... You mean $70 billion
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 01:35: PM #4 Anonymous Guest haters gonna hate cause you don't have a drug bit$h
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 02:03: PM #5 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: haters gonna hate cause you don't have a drug bit$h Click to expand... Having fun yet??? It's only gonna get worse when you actually launch!!!!!!
Anonymous said: haters gonna hate cause you don't have a drug bit$h Click to expand... Having fun yet??? It's only gonna get worse when you actually launch!!!!!!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 03:00: PM #6 Anonymous Guest How could we not be having fun. nothing to do. make a couple calls a day then head to the golf course. Not much to do before a drug is launched.
How could we not be having fun. nothing to do. make a couple calls a day then head to the golf course. Not much to do before a drug is launched.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 05:28: PM #7 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: How could we not be having fun. nothing to do. make a couple calls a day then head to the golf course. Not much to do before a drug is launched. Click to expand... I know of at least 2 companies who will be really glad to see this drug launched and two that aren't too sure if they ever will
Anonymous said: How could we not be having fun. nothing to do. make a couple calls a day then head to the golf course. Not much to do before a drug is launched. Click to expand... I know of at least 2 companies who will be really glad to see this drug launched and two that aren't too sure if they ever will
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 15, 2013 at 05:30: PM #8 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: I know of at least 2 companies who will be really glad to see this drug launched and two that aren't too sure if they ever will Click to expand... Hmmm..... I'm confused. Or at least that's what they tell me.
Anonymous said: I know of at least 2 companies who will be really glad to see this drug launched and two that aren't too sure if they ever will Click to expand... Hmmm..... I'm confused. Or at least that's what they tell me.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 18, 2013 at 01:57: PM #9 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: Having fun yet??? It's only gonna get worse when you actually launch!!!!!! Click to expand... So true! Already awful here.
Anonymous said: Having fun yet??? It's only gonna get worse when you actually launch!!!!!! Click to expand... So true! Already awful here.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 27, 2013 at 12:38: AM #10 Anonymous Guest HOW MANY WORKDAYS IN JULY 2017!!??? YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 27, 2013 at 10:58: PM #11 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: HOW MANY WORKDAYS IN JULY 2017!!??? YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!! Click to expand... OK, Inside Joke. lets see if I can figure it out. How many workdays are there in the month you guys are launching your drug? Do tell.
Anonymous said: HOW MANY WORKDAYS IN JULY 2017!!??? YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!! Click to expand... OK, Inside Joke. lets see if I can figure it out. How many workdays are there in the month you guys are launching your drug? Do tell.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Sep 27, 2013 at 11:03: PM #12 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: OK, Inside Joke. lets see if I can figure it out. How many workdays are there in the month you guys are launching your drug? Do tell. Click to expand... or How many work days in the month TENOFOVIR goes off patent? Hey how many work days was there in December anyways? AND Don't worry about Viread. You need to worry about IDENIX.
Anonymous said: OK, Inside Joke. lets see if I can figure it out. How many workdays are there in the month you guys are launching your drug? Do tell. Click to expand... or How many work days in the month TENOFOVIR goes off patent? Hey how many work days was there in December anyways? AND Don't worry about Viread. You need to worry about IDENIX.