1099 associate rep


I was just wondering what it is like to work as a 1099 associate rep? Is this how you start in the industry? Is it worth it? Also I was wondering what the industry is like as a whole? Is it a good industry to get into or is it like pharma and starting to go down hill? I know you can make alot of money but I dont want to worry about my job from year to year, job security is big to me.

Then be an accountant or a banker. This is the riskiest of all industries. Especially 1099 contract work. You will never know if you have a job from month to month let alone year to year. These companies are being bought out and aquired and sold daily. And that is just the company, I haven't even touched on getting and retaining business from Doctors. You never know if or when the doctor's cousin, brother or even son is going to get a job and he switches all business to his relative. Or if there is a recall or an injuntion involving your best selling product.

Heres a good rule of thumb... If there is potential to make a lot of money, there has to be high risk. Are you willing to take that risk or not?

As far as 1099 being the starting point, not so much. I would suggest you take a W2 position until you hit the point where it is holding you back from making more money. Also remember when you are a 1099, you are responsible for double the employment taxes and withholdings, insurance, allowances, entertainment, and so on. Make sure you consider all expenses of running your own business before you deside to go 1099.

I would not join SN if you have a life. I your a loser and love to live at the call of or staff then join up. If your a kid out of college and have parents to pay your bill until you get your feet on the ground then go for it. but again you'll have no life.

Plus your an associate to someone who could be a real dick/bitch. which will turn you into a real dick/bitch in a matter of days.

run forest run

I would not join SN if you have a life. I your a loser and love to live at the call of or staff then join up. If your a kid out of college and have parents to pay your bill until you get your feet on the ground then go for it. but again you'll have no life.

Plus your an associate to someone who could be a real dick/bitch. which will turn you into a real dick/bitch in a matter of days.

run forest run

Very true. I can attest there are many DICKS in this company and at least one REAL BITCH you might have to work for...You'll be promised the world and delivered shit in the end.

True and worst for CT. Promised the Moon and get paid horribly. Run around and don't get paid for gas or the wear and tear on your car. Start feeling like a courier service.
Advice, tell your rep you just want to do the paperwork part. Otherwise your better off being a bartender...

True and worst for CT. Promised the Moon and get paid horribly. Run around and don't get paid for gas or the wear and tear on your car. Start feeling like a courier service.
Advice, tell your rep you just want to do the paperwork part. Otherwise your better off being a bartender...

Couldn't be more true. Wear and tear plus gas on your car and aren't compensated a dime. May get to eat free off the rep you work with, but that's about it. Basically just get a hundred bucks per exogen unit u place, but almost not worth the running around and paperwork that it entails.