10 Year Stock Low, Leaders Still Employed

Clearly. But that is an excellent question that deserves an answer. How are all these people keeping their jobs. Banking on durasorb? Gentrix is your flagship product now. That’s so disappointing.

People is leadership position will never think its them, so asking them to blow the whistle on the moronic decisions they are making won't happen. The problem at Integra is there are layers of ineptitute at the top levels. The only people that ascend are yes men that don't know any better. This is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating, and we have landed at a stock price less than $20 as a result.

This stock pummeling is fun no doubt. But the real fun will come when PMA comes for breast. The lights will come on and watching the leadership cock roaches scramble to leave WR for surgical will be comical. Would be a great opportunity to flush out the toxicity if the company takes it.