10% layoffs is all

There is no information. Everyone on this dumb site claims they've seen an email or heard from a DM or RD or seen it before with other companies. Everything put on this site is fake speculation. The only thing we know is "around Aug 1st" and that's it. We don't know if that means Aug 1 or if that means around Aug 1. People are so stupid

Most are already being done through PIP's and vacancies. Where is everyone getting their information it will be bigger than 10%?

Dear dumb dumb,

Did you listen to anything JL said? 10-13%. Half of those will be eliminating people on probation and vacant spots.

4000 reps. 13% is 520 positions. Half of that is 260. 260 gone. (For now)

That is what has been said. Nothing else. No stupid 'insider' posts.

Also said reps would begin to find out new structure beginning Aug 1. That's it. No stupid extension.

There you go. 200+ cut. Territories realigned. We'll know STARTING Aug 1.

We aren't going over this again.


Dear dumb dumb,

Did you listen to anything JL said? 10-13%. Half of those will be eliminating people on probation and vacant spots.

4000 reps. 13% is 520 positions. Half of that is 260. 260 gone. (For now)

That is what has been said. Nothing else. No stupid 'insider' posts.

Also said reps would begin to find out new structure beginning Aug 1. That's it. No stupid extension.

There you go. 200+ cut. Territories realigned. We'll know STARTING Aug 1.

We aren't going over this again.


If you believe anything these dudes say you are a moron.

Dear dumb dumb,

Did you listen to anything JL said? 10-13%. Half of those will be eliminating people on probation and vacant spots.

4000 reps. 13% is 520 positions. Half of that is 260. 260 gone. (For now)

That is what has been said. Nothing else. No stupid 'insider' posts.

Also said reps would begin to find out new structure beginning Aug 1. That's it. No stupid extension.

There you go. 200+ cut. Territories realigned. We'll know STARTING Aug 1.

We aren't going over this again.



Your post agrees with the post you are arguing with and replying too.

So you agree 10%, roughly, is the RIF count. Where are these people coming up with numbers higher than 10%? Since you agree with the 10%, then this question isn't for you.

Dear dumb dumb,

Did you listen to anything JL said? 10-13%. Half of those will be eliminating people on probation and vacant spots.

4000 reps. 13% is 520 positions. Half of that is 260. 260 gone. (For now)

That is what has been said. Nothing else. No stupid 'insider' posts.

Also said reps would begin to find out new structure beginning Aug 1. That's it. No stupid extension.

There you go. 200+ cut. Territories realigned. We'll know STARTING Aug 1.

We aren't going over this again.


BRAVO...well said!

10-15% or even 20% layoffs sounds and is bad (especially if your the one cut)...this is just the musical chairs, most of us will make the cut...few weeks, couple of months pass and you'll be wondering whatever happened to what's his face, seemed like a good rep...heard he got something lined up.. oh well, back to the sample closet.

The discussion Jerry had on the cc about most cuts being met by existing open territories doesn't address a basic issue: the openings are not evenly distributed throughout the country. Some teams have open positions and many have none. If your team and division are close to fully staffed you will most likely see one or two people gone. It will be more than 10% cuts in the end.

2 people gone from full teams plus a reduction in the number of territories, so I guess that's 10% of something either the entire sales force or forest. Now get out there and sell, close harder, ask more probes, give more benefits, highlight our great managed care, talk about how much we love our company and our stability.