1 YEAR CONTRACT??! Worth a try?


was just offered a position in the mid west. Mid 60s base and bonus.
Problem is, when i asked how long the contract was for. I am told it is only for 1 year. But a possible permanent position may be offered if they are happy with my numbers.

Is it worth it?

was just offered a position in the mid west. Mid 60s base and bonus.
Problem is, when i asked how long the contract was for. I am told it is only for 1 year. But a possible permanent position may be offered if they are happy with my numbers.

Is it worth it?

Most contracts last a year even when they say 2, better than no job for a year.

if you need the job take it.. BUT your real job should still be finding something else.. Contracts are guaranteed to end, this will give you some income and time (really how hard is pharma sales) to look hard for something else.. good luck.

if you need the job take it.. BUT your real job should still be finding something else.. Contracts are guaranteed to end, this will give you some income and time (really how hard is pharma sales) to look hard for something else.. good luck.

DO NOT go contract. You will never be viewed as a viable candidate for any real positions out there. You are labeled in the industry as the lowest possible hire possible.