1 on V&Bs

I know someone that did. The persons counterpart threw them really hard under a bus
Regardless, they would have been gone anyway due to the amount of other people that have gotten 3's. I think in a way Novartis didn't fire anyone at least they can get the severance.

If your are placed on a PIP get a competent employment attorney to negotiate a "departure". Start looking/researching to find an attorney and get their advise. Or better yet get ahead of the situation and find an attorney now, get their advise!!

WHo the hell cares about what you get. When the 1600 people that are gone in June are interviewing do you think anyone wants to look at a year end review...Not.]

I know someone who has been fired from several Pharma jobs and she always gets another job. Its your interview skills that matter . No one cares about a 1 on V&B's

WHo the hell cares about what you get. When the 1600 people that are gone in June are interviewing do you think anyone wants to look at a year end review...Not.]

I know someone who has been fired from several Pharma jobs and she always gets another job. Its your interview skills that matter . No one cares about a 1 on V&B's

VAB Violations are straight out of the movie "Demolition Man" with Sylvester Stallone - every time he spoke a VAB Violation ticket was issued.

Novartis has gone to VAB Violations and created the largest automaton sales force. You can't speak out - Ding! VAB Violation. You can't complain. Ding! VAB Violation. Fuck Ding! VAB Violation. Shit. Ding! VAB Violation. WTF? Ding! VAB Violation. My Boss Sucks. Ding! VAB Violation
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