over 60 openings now for office based surgical sales mnk website. Is the referral fee 1k if we get someone hired
Yes, I have seen all the posted openings? How is this possible? Didn't they just layoff a bunch of people?
The people they layoff were NOT GOOD ENOUGH or as some jerk put it, "deadwood"
These idiots think that hiring a new sales force will help them sell Xartemis!!!!LOL
What they need to do is get rid of the people who advised them on the launch!!!
They are idiots. When a rep is let go, generally the physicians know the launch isn't going well and has nothing to do with the individual rep.
Well, that certainly isn't the case for all InVentiv reps. The one in particular that I know was a good rep and liked by MNK reps and docs. To portray all of the InVentiv reps the same way is not right, just like everyone laid off in Aug or recently is a bad rep. Some of you doing well need to remember that for some of you it is just LUCK.
This "office based" and "hospital based" plan will fail, also. Like we haven't been on the Cadence board learning about how much high their salaries are, and how they are threatening or actually leaving because they hate MNK and refuse to sell a narcotic. Yet, they want me to partner with this person and work on selling this dog together.
Another attempt to get XXR off of the ground. How many of you think this will work?
Guess what, Kimosabe, you're going to be selling XXR and MNK155 to surgeons in the hospital, and we will be selling Ofirmev in the offices. Get used to it.
Obviously you two have some major insecurities. I have seen this on other company boards after mergers, and also different primary care teams. Of course you are the most important and your current position is with the only elite sales team....blah blah blah. I am retained and I have previous specialty experience and the last thing I would need to do is get into comparing my skills, or let me say in your case defending your skills, to another rep. Do your job and stop complaining. I do agree that this has been a major letdown from the leadership team and some great reps were let go. Trust me they realize their incompetence and now trying to find a way to get the rank report adjusted so they don't get lawyers calling them out for their foolish hair trigger decision. Lmao you sound like some high school kids the way you are all arguing. You must have been the little turds in school with no respect earned and now trying to puff your chests as some elite sales rep. Comical and I would say I feel sorry for you but I really feel sorry for your spouses who have to live life with such insecurity. You sound like someone who would cry if your wife goes out for the night because you are worried a real man will take her home. Let me guess it goes like this But but but I am a specialty surgical rep/ I am a hospital rep. It is pretty easy to spot the weak. Man up and shut up. Either put something on here with solutions or get another job. Oh I forgot you are so important and you measure your size by your position so you sure as hell can't lose that so you stay put and complain.