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“Real” numbers


When are these new “real numbers supposed to be coming in? You can’t even get into Sales IQ anymore. They just want to cook the books. This is the most shady place I have ever worked for. How can we believe these numbers? Bunch of crooks here

When are these new “real numbers supposed to be coming in? You can’t even get into Sales IQ anymore. They just want to cook the books. This is the most shady place I have ever worked for. How can we believe these numbers? Bunch of crooks here
100%. They are now the kings of shadiness.

They have been inflating and delaying the release of sales goals to intentionally cut back on the amount they are paying out to reps busting their asses for their top line sales numbers (which drive the stock price).

They have been gaslighting us about supplies of products, including the new Infuse for Astigmatism lens in Vision Care. They used $106.5 million of their only available cash on hand to buy Blink drops from J&J. Then 2 months later in September of last year put the company back into massive debt to buy Xiidra for $2.5 billion from Novartis.

They counted on Miebo being a success when it is almost identical to the EvoTears drop that’s available for ~$20 in Europe over the counter. Doctors aren’t fucking morons and know this so they justifiably aren’t excited about prescribing it at a $700+ monthly price tag.

Now they are going to start rolling out a confiscation of all the sales reps’ company cars and force us to use Motus to “track our mileage” so they can weaponize that data to do a disguised lay off of the reps they subjectively decide don’t drive enough.

All this after their not so distant shady ass days of Valeant lining the execs pockets while corruptly price gouging.

They are THE fucking worst. Abandon ship

100%. They are now the kings of shadiness.

They have been inflating and delaying the release of sales goals to intentionally cut back on the amount they are paying out to reps busting their asses for their top line sales numbers (which drive the stock price).

They have been gaslighting us about supplies of products, including the new Infuse for Astigmatism lens in Vision Care. They used $106.5 million of their only available cash on hand to buy Blink drops from J&J. Then 2 months later in September of last year put the company back into massive debt to buy Xiidra for $2.5 billion from Novartis.

They counted on Miebo being a success when it is almost identical to the EvoTears drop that’s available for ~$20 in Europe over the counter. Doctors aren’t fucking morons and know this so they justifiably aren’t excited about prescribing it at a $700+ monthly price tag.

Now they are going to start rolling out a confiscation of all the sales reps’ company cars and force us to use Motus to “track our mileage” so they can weaponize that data to do a disguised lay off of the reps they subjectively decide don’t drive enough.

All this after their not so distant shady ass days of Valeant lining the execs pockets while corruptly price gouging.

They are THE fucking worst. Abandon ship
What are you talking about with the company vehicle?

They have been rigging the numbers since beginning of time. You peeps have t figured out the game at this point? Probably why you re simpleton contact lens sample droppers. You are spaced for them to play the numbers to get you to work and carry their water without paying you. Sad you have to learn truth on cafepharma.

Ths compny si trsh.
They have been rigging the numbers since beginning of time. You peeps have t figured out the game at this point? Probably why you re simpleton contact lens sample droppers. You are spaced for them to play the numbers to get you to work and carry their water without paying you. Sad you have to learn the truth on cafepharma.

All of Pharma rigs numbers. Not just B&L.
When you tell your sales force that we will have your numbers by 9/13
then say we will have them for you first part of next week
then say we hope to have them to you by Friday: B+L doesn’t hide the book cooking.
It’s expected that they will fluff the numbers of the NV employees and continue to shit all over us legacy B+L employees and blame us for everything, after we have been here for years working our asses off to make this company successful.
a total shit show!