I got Covid after Kowa suggested we start going into urgent cares in our territories to sell Seglentis since most of my docs are in hospital groups that don't see reps.
Fast forward and I just got diagnosed with Covid. Manager lets me know that I only have 2 sick days to use, although my doc...
Without the obligatory "if you have to ask, you shouldn't be working here" comment, can anyone PLEASE tell me if Kowa does a drug screen for new hires? Bonus points for any recent, personal experience. I know, I know...the only way to not worry about this happening is to not do any drugs...
drug screen
drug test
drug testing
kowakowa pharmaceuticals
new hire
pre-employment drug screen
urine test
I'm young and looking to cut my teeth in the big world of pharma sales. I come from a sales background already and I recently came across a position for a rep. I've heard mixed reviews from everyone in the industry in general and now I am looking for Kowa specific feedback. I know that message...