
  1. prescription data & kickbacks at Insys

    I'm a writer working on a story for publication re: the impact of IQVIA (and similar) data on healthcare. Did INSYS use prescription data to allocate kickbacks based on prescription volume of certain docs? You can reach me at: Thank you.
  2. In search of Insys employees to speak to, past or present....

    Hello, I am researching the company (and current legal issues) for a possible documentary film. Are there any past or present employees who would be willing to speak to me on background - totally informally - and also, if you prefer, anonymously? If so please contact me at...
  3. I'm the author of the New York Times Magazine article about Insys

    I am the journalist who wrote the NYT Magazine article about Insys that has been published online and will appear in the print magazine this Sunday: I plan to keep reporting on this story and...
  4. Round Rock Manufacturing GM out in 2 weeks

    looks like the ship on the new product is sinking under LL's direction and the first mate found warning signs and is jumping ship.... Anyone else jumping ship too or even able to? This is supposedly where the insys company "pipeline" comes from.... Maybe he got tired of fighting for his...