
  1. Geotab problems in Volvos

    Curious if anyone is having issues with their Volvos after installing the Geotab? Every day, another member of our team is having a potentially dangerous issue with the electrical system of the car being affected. ESC Temporarily OFF warning with the car either accelerating or braking on its...
  2. Expired license - just received offer for sales rep

    I just received an offer for a sales rep position and my license is currently expired. Expired a few months ago. I am able to complete the I-9 using my passport, but I am wondering what is going to happen when they try to set me up with a fleet vehicle. The earliest DMV appointment is three...
  3. Lease Plan issue

    Anyone else receive a new Tesla or I guess any new fleet vehicle recently but still waiting on your permanent license plates?? My temp plates expired over a month ago. Lease plan said they will mail me another new temp plate. What’s the hold up on getting these cars registered?? Never had this...
  4. Fleet vehicles

    Anyone know what Syneos is giving out for fleet vehicles nowadays? Just got first contract in pharma and this is new to me
  5. Company Cars

    What are the fleet options? Company cars for Southwest not snow belt. Is car allowance an option? please and thank you
  6. New fleet policy - thanks for screwing me out of my raise!

    I can understand going to all hybrid cars to save on fuel, but $100/month to have it on top of the $70 we already pay each month. Now we get to pay $170 for crap cars with horrible pick up and no space. Awesome! (BTW: I understand the value we get from having a company car) It's just at one...