company car

  1. Company cars

    Hi, Please be nice. Just curious what company cars are offered to sales reps (new hire) thank you for your info!
  2. CSL Vifor Comp, Company car, Vacation time?

    what can an experienced account manager expect for compensation with over 15 years of experience? how is company car, vacation time?
  3. Geotab problems in Volvos

    Curious if anyone is having issues with their Volvos after installing the Geotab? Every day, another member of our team is having a potentially dangerous issue with the electrical system of the car being affected. ESC Temporarily OFF warning with the car either accelerating or braking on its...
  4. Car

    Anyone know when we can order our new cars?
  5. Fleet vehicles

    Anyone know what Syneos is giving out for fleet vehicles nowadays? Just got first contract in pharma and this is new to me

    IDEXX reps continue to be terrorized by having to choose between driving safely and meeting with a ridiculous amount of customers each week (or lying in salesforce and writing that you have seen more customers than you actually have). last week at sales meeting reps were comparing notes again...
  7. 60k Miles....New Car?

    Hey. I’m not complaining, I’m simply asking. My vehicle is at 60k miles. At my former company we received a car every two years (about 60k miles.) What’s the mileage for a new company car request here at Salix, or how doe that process work? Thank you all.
  8. Company Car

    Just took a position with Gilead and I live in the snowbelt area. I was wondering what kind of company car options we receive upon completion of training? Not particular and definitely grateful, just hoping an option or two have 4 wheel drive. Thanks in advance.