bonus payout

  1. Bonus Structure??

    What’s the deal with this year’s bonus structure? We were told 90-10, in favor of company performance, and then leadership kept touting 139% company performance factor, but apparently that doesn’t apply to everyone?? Feels like the company is deliberately trying to pull a fast one on us, and...
  2. Let's get new hire with higher salary band and bonus

    Why are we keep hiring new folks with irrelevant to no experience with higher bonus and salary bracket while throwing loyal employees under bus.
  3. Vaccine mandate at AmerisourceBergen

    Internal employee announcement. AmerisourceBergen now has a vaccine mandate. You need to get COVID vaccine shots by Nov 1st or you get fired. This is right before the BONUS payment of early December. Some people also get equity vesting in late Nov. Real evil timing! If you don't get vaccinated...

    Dear Prugen - Sean Lonergan - Kevin Kriel - Mike Kahill Disclaimer- My rep had nothing to do with this post. NOTHING! They came to me, selling me their program as they always do but this time something was wrong and I sensed it. My rep only shared that they were suffering from tremendous...
  5. Surprise...Anyone Else Get Screwed on Bonus?

    I want to know how the BI count for IC Payout was calculated. Tell us! Myself and 11 other TMs (and counting) were not paid as promised. We’ve all kept accurate BI records of every true submission. I was short 5k. Congrats to those that received their true payout but the rest of us aren’t going...
  6. Wanna Bet How Many TMs Resign After Bonus Paid?

    I know of 8 TMs that will be resigning after bonus is paid. True up, true down, who cares. Those in top 10 that made a lot of $$$ for their unscrupulous tactics, get the check and run! Yeah yeah I know everyone stayed in “compliance” wink wink. “If” Ilumya team goes to meeting I wonder how many...
  7. Home Health Referral Contracts

    Hi everyone. I need some advice on what a good referral contract and salary is for a HHC contract. I have seen a few but I am still unsure. Is it a specific amount per referral or do you have to reach a specific number of referrals before your bonus kicks in? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Bonus payout

    Will BL pay your bonus earned if you leave company before actual payout date?