Jax Jeff

We used to work for the same company a few years ago. Nothing but trouble. He’s a con man. Unethical as it gets. Always let go even though he’s always a top 10 rep. Always scamming - to sum it up, he’s poison to everyone he’s worked for

He brags that he’ll never get called out or in trouble. How his boss knows he’s not working but doesn’t care as long as she hits her numbers. Makes hardworking reps like me look bad. If he did things the right way he would be at the bottom of the list. Instead he’s rewarded?????

Just hope you don’t have to meet him or work with him. He’s an idiot. Pray you don’t work for his boss or the people that hired him. They are blind, deaf and dumb!!! 0 integrity

He’s the Perfect example of what’s wrong with our industry. Extremely overpaid for 0 skill set aside from con man sales tactics. 0 intelligence and 0 integrity yet he gets rewarded. Makes us all look bad, especially those that hired him.

can’t believe this fool still works here. It’s about time for him to be exposed or look for another job because his con jobs catch up with him. Typical pattern. Management must be blind or just don’t care. Keep rewarding incompetence!!