GSK Managers


Is anyone seeing excessive pressure from GSK managers toward Syneos embedded reps on the respiratory contract? I've heard from several reps that if numbers are down, Syneos reps are targeted by their GSK manager, but GSK reps seem to currently be getting a free pass. Any thoughts??

Sounds like GSKrap has begun their latest round of silent layoffs. You had to know it was only a matter of time. Between covid and overstaffing, they have no choice, really. Best to go ahead and leave this shitshow on your own terms and be better off.

Correct about GSK being a shitshow. Remember all of the "job security" they were talking about just a month ago at the national sales meeting and how bright the future will be for thier respiratory products. Unbelievable!

Is anyone seeing excessive pressure from GSK managers toward Syneos embedded reps on the respiratory contract? I've heard from several reps that if numbers are down, Syneos reps are targeted by their GSK manager, but GSK reps seem to currently be getting a free pass. Any thoughts??

I don't know about Syneos reps being "targeted" so much or GSK reps getting a free pass, but I think there's definitely excessive pressure to be #1, be out in the field every day selling hard, closing hard, etc. I get it, our job is to be out in the field every day and I'm all for it... But guess what?! We CAN'T see everyone due to this little thing called COVID!! True story! It's unreal to me that some companies won't let their reps in the field yet, but here at GSK we feel awful if we aren't physically in the field and "in front" of our customers all the time like everything is normal. I'm out there 4 days a week spinning my wheels to do what I can, but it's so frustrating. I'd be fine if this contract downsizes at the end of Q4 and I'm one of them. I don't want to leave Syneos, but I'm ready for a new gig.

Protect yourselves from the GSK side, don’t trust them and document everything. If you think there’s pressure, then there is. GSK is bad at managing and hiding true intentions. Do what you can, but watch your backs. GSK is so awful in many ways.

Protect yourselves from the GSK side, don’t trust them and document everything. If you think there’s pressure, then there is. GSK is bad at managing and hiding true intentions. Do what you can, but watch your backs. GSK is so awful in many ways.

You can tell just how disgusting a company when their fame spills over onto other companies boards.

Sounds accurate it me.


When your a contract REP you should remember:

1. Your a rented mule.

2. Your manager wants to rollover to the customer side.

3. Document all you want it will not help your case.

4. Shut Up and work each day it will not be noticed.

5. When your at a meeting "shut up" they don't care what your have to say.

6. Your manager is told what to do each and every day.

7. If your happy and have a good manager stay put and look for another job. This will not last.

Agree you're a rented mule and no one wants to here from you so stop with all that talking. My syneos reps talk too much. Who are you trying to prove yourself to? Nobody cares about you.