- cafead   Oct 15, 2024 at 10:32: AM
via First, there was the Human Genome Project. The turn-of-the-century, international research program led to the sequencing and mapping of humanity’s entire genetic makeup at a fundamental level, paving the way for thousands of discoveries and treatments to address the world’s trickiest diseases.
Now, chemical and biological “maps” have advanced far beyond what the Human Genome Project achieved, digging deeper into the inner workings of physics and the human body. And new technology like machine learning and AI has sparked a revolution in how complex and voluminous these roadmaps can be.
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Now, chemical and biological “maps” have advanced far beyond what the Human Genome Project achieved, digging deeper into the inner workings of physics and the human body. And new technology like machine learning and AI has sparked a revolution in how complex and voluminous these roadmaps can be.
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