Who is the eye care manager in MN? What a “0”


I had the displeasure of being in a regional breakout room with this joker and he added “0” value to any of the discussion that were had. I would like to know if this was a Novartis guy or who in the world at B&L decided this joker should be a manager. From what I observed he would struggle being a rep at the lowest level.

I feel sorry for whomever his reps are as you’ll have to figure it out till they realize the great mistake they made and hopefully quickly replace him for his incompetency.

Interesting take! I only met him in passing a couple times. I heard he was an x-Allergan mgr. However, if that the truth then it’s even more alarming why they hired him.

I found him charming at first but as our conversation evolved he seem to generalize his comments. Which at the time I thought it a little weird. I think I would agree he is a little over his head. I guess the water is two feet over his head by now if all the changes. He is probably looking for another position if he was smart.

I found him charming at first but as our conversation evolved he seem to generalize his comments. Which at the time I thought it a little weird. I think I would agree he is a little over his head. I guess the water is two feet over his head by now if all the changes. He is probably looking for another position if he was smart.
Same here. However, we were in the sauna together and all I could think about was yanking his towel off.

Same here. However, we were in the sauna together and all I could think about was yanking his towel off.
That is so hilarious. This “dude” is a hot mess. He is so clueless and from what I’ve heard from others in “The West is Best” region he just looks the parts and expects to lead from the rear of the bus.

Note to Mr Minnesota it’s time to roll up your sleeves and figure out your disease states and formulary coverages!


Start looking for a inside rep position!

Is this another manager from the West that didn’t get compliments like him?


It won't lead to what you want…
Tearing down others doesn't raise you up..

Focus on you, don't deploy envy or anger towards others..

Is this another manager from the West that didn’t get compliments like him?


It won't lead to what you want…
Tearing down others doesn't raise you up..

Focus on you, don't deploy envy or anger towards others..
The five most annoying ways to use an ellipsis - Emphasis

5. Implying you have more to say when you haven’t

This is a very particular kind of trailing off, and possibly the most annoying of all. It often implies that what needs to be said is so obvious to the (knowledgeable) writer that it should be obvious to the reader, too. This can backfire badly – at worst, it can appear smug or condescending.