The worst


This company sucks.
It’s bad enough the job and company sucks but now everything my paediatrician puts through for my kids gets denied. For a Pharma company it looks like they are stingy as shit when it comes to coverage of anything for dependents. It is absolutely ridiculous. I have zero reasons to stay here. Probably the worst company in the industry to work for.

Total agreement…..never seen a company be such tightwads….. utilize the limited cost to the ultimate (limited market access). With no regards to reps with stellar efforts. Crazy unbelievable. Never seen this in the many years in the industry.Karma on the horizon.

I plan on fking over this company every chance I get. 2 weeks vacation? Watch this. It’s suddenly 26 weeks of vacation plus sick days, and my 30 personal holidays.
Sun wants to fuck with my Ilumya numbers? Wait until you see how I steer everything to Skyrizi. No new sales? Oh no. What should I do? Another pool day to contemplate this dilemma. Your FRM working 10 hours per week and all from their kitchen? No problem. I’m going to make that FRM look like a working fool compared to my hours. I’ll drive my neighbors kids to private school for mileage. Or better yet just totally bs my mileage.
I was warned not to work for these buzzards but I just couldn’t accept a company being that fucked up. Yet here we are. The biggest shit show on the planet. Not one manager knows their ass from a hole in the wall. Dumb and lazy fuckers that reek of “go get me some sales bitches”. This next move should finally kill off this cancer of a franchise.

It’s bad enough the job and company sucks but now everything my paediatrician puts through for my kids gets denied. For a Pharma company it looks like they are stingy as shit when it comes to coverage of anything for dependents. It is absolutely ridiculous. I have zero reasons to stay here. Probably the worst company in the industry to work for.
Why, why in the world would you allow your kid’s Dr to write a Sun Rx for them to ingest?

I wouldn’t let my veterinarian do that. You should know better.

I have never experienced a less rewarding position in my life. Everyday is drudgery. Any success on the job is met with managers increasing my goals and decreasing my pay. There is zero motivation to do anything but leave this Mumbai toilet. I wish the OIG would ban Sun and its products within the United States. Every time I see DS I think of a fat, little entitled rich boy who now calls himself a MD. Dilusional in every way from the top down.

I have never experienced a less rewarding position in my life. Everyday is drudgery. Any success on the job is met with managers increasing my goals and decreasing my pay. There is zero motivation to do anything but leave this Mumbai toilet. I wish the OIG would ban Sun and its products within the United States. Every time I see DS I think of a fat, little entitled rich boy who now calls himself a MD. Dilusional in every way from the top down.
If you’ve been at Sun for over a year, it’s on you. It doesn’t take thatttt long to figure out what that place is all about.
Unscrupulous. Complete lack of ethics or integrity and don’t even think to say empathy and employees in the same sentence.

It’s clearly a culture-thing. In India, Sun is like working at Apple. It has a god-like status.
Dilip is a rounded*, bullied-throughout-
school boy. And he farts. Publicly and shamelessly.
* maybe has been on Ozempic in recent times
His henchman in the US is crooked. OIG, fines, insider trading settlement.

Sun can only hire laid-off appliance salespeople and those who sold gym memberships.

And if you were literate, you would have seen all this before you joined because it’s been the same story since the Ilumya launch.

Sun just won the award for the most corrupt CEO in American Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. What a wonderful honor. Looks like the CIA will be restarting the clock for another 5 years.
These morons have no business being in North America. Employees are begging the OIG to ban any and all Sun importation of products. Their conscious won’t allow them to participate in the exchange that is detrimental to the people of their home nations.
Pretty sad.

This company sucks.
If you are from Biologics your VP Kyle F did you in. He was a nice man but he never had the insight nor fortitude to lead this team. Now you are paying the price and a significant portion of you will lose your high paying jobs. Don’t blame the current Leadership for the problems created in the past. Immediate corrective measures are required for this to survive.

Sun just won the award for the most corrupt CEO in American Pharmaceutical Manufacturing. What a wonderful honor. Looks like the CIA will be restarting the clock for another 5 years.
These morons have no business being in North America. Employees are begging the OIG to ban any and all Sun importation of products. Their conscious won’t allow them to participate in the exchange that is detrimental to the people of their home nations.
Pretty sad.
Can you provide some specifics on this ?
I don’t disagree at all, but wonder what happened most recently.

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